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Spiritual Chat 247 ----------- "E-mail Version" ---------------- About Spiritual Chat
Title of Chat:  "Learning How to Become Alone, Hungry, and Awake,
                                        Before We Set Out To Pray"
                                        (click HERE to read an "Expanded Version" of this Title)
Date of Chat:  February 21, 2006
Chat Between:  Muhammad Muhaiyaddeen Sulaiman (Curtis Wahlgren) and Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler)
Page 3 of 3

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                    Spiritual Chat, and as part of the E-mail to him
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Go To:  E-mail Version - of Spiritual Chat 247
                    Outline & Summary - Page 3 only
                              "Brief Outline"
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                    Text of E-mail Version - continued from Page 2
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Short Overview - of Spiritual Chat 247

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Main Menu - or "Table of Contents" for Spiritual Chat 247 ------------------- (STATUS)

Go To:  Introduction - to Spiritual Chat 247
Go To:  Alternate Versions - of Spiritual Chat 247
                    Text Only Version - shortest version, none or 1 outline,
                              none or short summaries --------------------------------------------- (In Process)
                    E-mail Version - next shortest version, 1 or 2 outlines,
                              short or expanded summaries -------------------------------------- (Available)
                              (On-line Version of the "E-mail" that was sent to you)
                              Outline & Summary - of E-mail Version
                              Text of E-mail Version - Spiritual Chat 247
                    Outline & Summary Version - longest version, 2 or 3 outlines,
                              multiple summaries ----------------------------------------------------- (In Process)
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                    Expanded Topics
                    Expanded Overviews ----------------------------------------------------------- (In Process)
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                    E-mail Alert
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                    About Spiritual Letter ---------------------------------------------------------- (In Process)

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Introduction - to Spiritual Chat 247

BawaBismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim. In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most
Compassionate. Al-salam 'alaykum wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu. Wa
'alaykum al-salam wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu.  May all the peace, the
beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon us all.  May God help us all.

Bawa.  My love you (anbu), my dearest loving brothers and sisters - Shaikh
Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler).

Bawa.  Here is "Page 3 of 3" of the "E-mail Version" of "Spiritual Chat 247", a beautiful sharing from the other night (2/21/06) with our dearest loving brother Muhammad Muhaiyaddeen Sulaiman (Curis Wahlgren), a sharing that our wisdom within us, and the Truth within our wisdom, which for our age, is our dearest loving Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within us, and God within Him, and now on the "outside" of us, that His Children (may God be pleased with each of Us) have instructed this child to share with each of us, if we like, for in truth, "We are All One".  Amen.

Bawa.  That is, to share with each of the Children of God for our age, which in truth is
each of us living in this age, if we like, that is, if the true intention for the life within us,
for our soul life, is to again become "One with" God within us, befpre we die to the
flesh in our current state, but this time with an understanding of our "Oneness" so it
will never leave us again.

Bawa.  That is, to decide to do this with our life within us, rather than continuing to do
what we are currently doing in our life on the "outside' of us, which is our current state,
that is, to join with the "Word of God" for our age to awaken the wisdom surrounding
our soul, so the wisdom surrounding our soul can then do battle with the "Enemy of
our soul", which in truth is our current life of "separation and differences", of sin, of
"selfishness" on the "outside".

Bawa.  So our awakened wisdom can liberate our soul life within us, from the cross of
our elemental body, by pulling out the 5 nails of "our desire" to live on the "outside" of
us and sin, that is, "our desire" to continue living on the "outside" of us, seeing
everything as "separate from" us, which in truth is the only sin, which is our
"separation from" everyone and everything on the "outside" of us, when in truth "We
are all One" within us.  Amen.

Bawa.  And in this way, with "us" joining in partnership with God within us, to allow
this to occur within us, to allow our awakened wisdom to liberate our soul, and then to
find and become "One with" the Light of our wisdom, which in the Islamic tradition is
referred to as the Nur Muhammad, or the "Body of the soul", which is the form of
Grace within the "Secret World of Allah" within us, which is True Prayer within us, the
"Prayer of the One to the One who Is" within us, and doing all of this, or at least truly
starting to do all of this, in partnership with God within us, before we die to the flesh in
our current state.

Bawa.  At least this is certainly something to think about a little, my dearest loving brothers and sisters, Yes?

Bawa.  May all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon us all.
May God help us all.

Bawa.  My love you (anbu), my dearest loving brothers and sisters - Shaikh
Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler.

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                                                                      - go to "Longer Outline"
                                                                      - go to "Text of E-mail Version"
Note To Muhammad Muhaiyaddeen Sulaiman - after the Spiritual Chat, and as part of the E-mail to him

Bawa.  My love you (anbu), my dearest loving brother Muhammad Muhaiyaddeen Sulaiman (Curtis Wahlgren) - Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler).

Bawa.  Here is a copy of our Spiritual Chat from the other night, from 2/21/06, which was wonderful.  You had signed off by the time "We" were ready to send our last sharing, so Bawa within us, and God within Him, instructed this child to mail this copy to you.  Al-hamdu lillah. Allahu Akbar. 

Bawa.  Also, we saw your attempt to chat again tonight but only saw it after you had signed off.  So this must be how the end of our previous chat is to be sent, that is, this is how it is to reach our dearest loving brother, Muhammad Muhaiyaddeen Sulaiman, at least on the "outside" of us, that is, as an E-mail. 

Bawa.  What a wonder is this God of ours, the way that He perfectly orchestrates each of our lives within Him, and how He puts our lives together within Him, for "Maximum Benefit", if we like, for the Choice to accept our life in this way, that is, as "Perfect In Every Way", that is, as being within Him, not as being "outside" of us, and to accept what comes to us, as coming from Him within us, to Him within the Creation of God within us, in order to liberate our soul, and return it to God within us.

Bawa.  But this time with an understanding of "Our Oneness", so it will never leave us again, and to do all of this, or at least to truly start to do it, in partnership with God within us, before we die to the flesh in our current state, and "we" get an eternal hell, an eternal life as "separate from" God within us, as our lot.

Bawa.  That is, the Choice to let our soul return it to God within us, again becoming "One with" God within us, but this time with an understanding of "Our Oneness", but this time with an understanding of "Who we are", of "Who God is", and of our Relationship of 'Oneness", with us as the Witness, is most certainly our Choice, not God's.

Bawa.  Which is like the way that the Angel Gabriel (peace be upon Him) Witnessed the 6,666 Verses of the Holy Qur'an over 1400 years ago, on the "outside" of us, and must now Witness it again within each of us, that is, as coming from Muhammad (Sal.) to Muhammad (Sal.), that is, from Muhammad (Sal.) within God within us, to Muhammad (Sal.) within the Creation of God within us, that is, from the "First Muhammad (Sal.)" within us, to the "Last Muhammad (Sal.)" within us, in order to liberate our soul from our impure birth, from the "Enemy of our soul", or a least to truly start to do this within us, in partnership with God within us, before we die to the flesh in our current state and get an eternal hell of "separation from" as our lot, as our reward, all of which in truth is our current life, both within us, and on the "outside" of us.  Al-hamdu lillah.  Allahu Akbar. Amen.

Bawa.  Here is a copy of our last Spiritual Chat, Spiritual Chat 246, on 2/21/06, which "We" have given the "Short Title" of:,

          "Learning How to Become Alone, Hungry, and Awake,
                    Before We Set Out To Pray"

                                                                      - go to top of page
Expanded Title - of Spiritual Chat 247

Bawa.  And that "We" have given the "Expanded Title" of:

          "Learning How To Become Alone, Hungry, and Awake,
          Before We Set Out To Pray,
          Realizing That In Truth Only God Can Pray To God,
          That Only God Can Feed Our Hungry Soul,
          Allowing It To Return To Him".

          "That is, If We Will Only Let Him,
          If We Will Only Let Him Be Alone Again Within Us,
          If We Will Only Let Him Awaken From His Dream Within Us,
          Of Us Living On The "Outside" of Us In Our Current State,
          If We Will Only Be Truly Done With Our Current State,
          And Tell Him So, With Every Breath."

          "Allowing Us To Become Silent On The "Outside" of Us,
          So God Can Speak From Within Us,
          As The "Word of God" For Our Age,
          For The "Children of God" For Our Age, If We Like."

          "Which In Truth Is Each of Us Living In This Age, If We Like,
          If The "True Intention" For The Life Within Us, For Our Soul Life,
          Is To Again Become "One With" God Within Us,
          Before We Die To The Flesh In Our Current State,
          And Get An Eternal Hell of "Separation From" As Our Reward,
          For The Choice To Do This With Our Life, Or Not,
          To Again Become "One With" God Within Us,
          Is Most Certainly Our Choice, Not God's."

          "If We Will Only Be Truly Done With Our Current State
          Of Trying To Live On The "Outside" of Us, So We Can Sin,
          So We Can Continue Living As "Separate From" God Within Us,
          Which In Truth Is Our Only Sin,
          Which In Truth Is What Prevents True Prayer To God,
          From Naturally Happening Within Us,
          Our Current State of Trying To Live On The "Outside" of Us,
          As If We Are "Separate From" God Within Us,
          All of Which Is Not True."

          "Our Current State On The "Outside" of Us,
          In Ignorance of What Is Truly Within Us,
          And of Why In The First Place,
          We Have Come To This Earth World Within Us,
          Which Is To Learn About Who We "Already Are",
          And Having So Learned,
          In Partnership With God Within us, To Leave,
          Before We "Die To The Flesh In Our Current State",
          And Get An Eternal Hell of "Separation From" As Our Reward."

          "To Join In Partnership With God Within Us,
          To Do This With Our Life Within Us,
          To Let It Return To God Within Us,
          Before It Is Too Late,
          Not To Continue Trying To Live Here,
          As "Separate From" God Within Us,
          As "Separate From" Each Other,
          And As "Separate From" The Creation of God Within Us,
          All of Which Is Not True".

          "As Some of Us Are Now Trying To Do,
          In Our Ignorance,
          And In Our Arrogance About Our Ignorance,"
          But All of Which Is Not True."

Bawa.  Enjoy.  Al-hamdu lillah. Allahu Akbar.  Amen.

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Outline & Summary - of "E-mail Version" of Spiritual Chat 247

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"Brief Outline" - of Spiritual Chat 247 (Pages 03 only)
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Introduction - to Spiritual Chat 247
Note To Muhammad Muhaiyaddeen Sulaiman - after the Spiritual Chat, and as part of the E-mail to him

D.  Additional Comments "About" - From within the heart of God for our age, from within the Heart of the Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with each of Us), for example, from within the heart of this little child, living at the feet of God for our age
D-2.  The True Value of "Work" Is Learning - The "True Value of Work" is not "what we do" on the "outside" of us, but rather is "what we are learning" within us
         Quotation From His Holiness - from the book, "A Mystical Journey"
D-3.  "Who We Are" And "Who We Are Not" - And "Who we are" is what is "within God" within us, and "Who we are not" is what has grown within us, in our ignorance
D-4.  The Affirmation of the "Truth of God" Within Us - that in truth  "I don't exist" as "separate from" God within us, but "God exists" as "One with" the Creation of God within us
                                                                      - go to Previous Page of "Brief Outline"
                                                                      - go to "Longer Outline"
D-5.  The Affirmation of the "Truth of Man" Within Us - that in truth "God Is One", and "So are We", if we truly realize and accept that in truth "We exist" as the "Seed of True Man" within the "Seed of God' within the Creation of God, as "God's Story"
D-6.  Establishing The "Presence of God" Within Us - Is the only cure of us, and of God within us, the only cure of the dream, and of the dreamer, that is for sure
D-7.  Everyone Is "Arguing" With God - because they want God and Themselves to be different from what He and They really are, which is "Oneness"
D-8.  "Changing Places" With God Within Us - by convincing God to "Change Places" within us, so He can then "Use Us" to finish what He has started within us, a very long time ago, which is to reveal God to God within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us
D-9.  We Currently "Only Want" The World - not wisdom, and not God
D-10.  The Point of Our Life - is to use "God to get to God" within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us. Amen.
E.  Closing Comments - may we join in partnership with God, to share this sharing

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                                                                      - go to "Text of E-mail Version"
"Longer Outline" - of Spiritual Chat 247 (Pages 03 only)
                                                                      - go to Next Page of "Longer Outline"
Introduction - to Spiritual Chat 247
Note To Muhammad Muhaiyaddeen Sulaiman - after the Spiritual Chat, and as part of the E-mail to him

D.  Additional Comments About - From within the heart of God for our age, from within the Heart of the Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with each of Us), for example, from within the heart of this little child, living at the feet of God for our age
D-1.  How Is My Soul? - In truth "Our Soul" is "Hungry", and only God can feed it, once "He is Alone", and "We are Awake", that is, once we let Him awaken from His dream within us, His dream of "us", of "us" living on the "outside" of us, as if we are "separate from" Him within us, all of which is not true, once we join with Him against the "Enemy of our soul", which is our current life and state on the "outside" of us
D-2.  The True Value of "Work" Is Learning - The "True Value of Work" is not as "what we do" on the "outside" of us, but rather as "what we are learning" within us
          Quotation From His Holiness - from the book of wisdom, "A Mystical Journey"
D-3.  "Who We Are" And "Who We Are Not" - And "Who we are" is what is "within God" within us, and "Who we are not" is what has grown within us, which in our ignorance, and in our arrogance about our ignorance, we currently see as existing on the "outside" of us, and this "Contrast" between these two provides the understanding that we have come here to learn
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                                                                      - go to Next Page of "Longer Outline"
D-4.  The Affirmation of the "Truth of God"  Within Us - Which is that "I don't exist" as "separate from" God within us, but that in truth, God exists as "One with" me within us, that is, God exists as "One" within the Creation of God within us, and
"So can We", if we like, that is, if we will only Let Him Walk that Path within us
D-5.  The Affirmation of the "Truth of Man" Within Us - Which is, that in truth "God Is One" within the Creation of God within us, and "So are We", because "We are One Within God" within us, and as such, "We are True Man" within Him, allowing Him to become "One within Us" again, allowing Him to create that Path again, if He likes
D-6.  Establishing The "Presence of God" Within Us - Is the only cure of us, and of God within us, the only cure of the dream, and of the dreamer, that is for sure
D-7.  Everyone Is "Arguing" With God - And in truth no one is ever arguing with us, because in truth they want God to be different from what He really is, which is "Oneness", and even worse, they want themselves, and all of us, to be different from what in truth we really are, which is also "Oneness"
                                                                      - go to Previous Page of "Longer Outline"
                                                                      - go to "Text of E-mail Version"
D-8.  "Changing Places" With God Within Us - For if we truly want to reach God, we must convince Him to "Change Places" within us, we must convince Him that we are "truly done" with what He has given us, so He can then "use it" to finish what He has started within us, a very, very long time ago
D-9.  We Currently "Only Want" The World - not wisdom, and not God, for in truth the world only wants the world, not wisdom or God, and only wisdom wants wisdom, and only God wants God, and we have "All Three", and "All Three" truly define "who we are", and "where we are", and "what is happening" to us, not just the world that we have opened in our ignorance, and in our arrogance about our ignorance
D-10.  The Point of Our Life - is to use "God to get to God" within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us.  Amen.
E.  Closing Comments - may we both join with Bawa within us, and with God within Him, to share this sharing with all of our dearest loving brothers and sisters, as much as we can, as ofter as we can.  Amen

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Text of E-mail Version - of Spiritual Chat 247 (continued from Page 2)

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                                                                      - go to "Longer Outline"
D.  Additional Comments About - From within the heart of our God for our age, from within the Heart of the Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with each of Us), for example, from within the heart of this little child, living at the feet of God for our age, which for our age is the life and teaching of our dear Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within us, and of God within Him, and now on the outside of us, is the feet of His Children, is the feet of the Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with each of Us), which is each of us living in this age, if we like, that is, if the true intention for our life within us, is to again become "One with" God within us, before we die to the flesh in our current state, but this time with an understanding of "Our Oneness" so it will never leave us again


Bawa.  Al-hamdu lillah. Allahu Akbar.

Bawa.  Here are some "Additional Comments" resonating within our heart, that Bawa within us, and God within Him, instructed this child to share at this time:

                                                                      - go to "Brief Outline"
                                                                      - go to "Longer Outline"
D-1.  How Is My Soul? - In truth "Our Soul" is "Hungry", and only God can feed it, once "He is Alone", and "We are Awake", that is, once we let Him awaken from His dream within us, His dream of "us", of "us" living on the "outside" of us, as if we are "separate from" Him within us, all of which is not true, once we join with Him against the "Enemy of our soul", which is our current life and state on the "outside" of us

Bawa.  You say, my dearest loving brother Muhammad Muhaiyaddeen Sulaiman, when asked, "How is your soul?", the following:

          "That is a much more interesting question. I don't think that this child can answer
          that question with any assurance of giving an accurate representation of the state
          of my soul. From the limited wisdom of this child I would have to say that my soul
          is perfect as it was when God created it and as it always is."

Bawa.  But this is not so, this is not true, my dearest loving brother Muhammad Muhaiyaddeen Sulaiman, this is most certainly not so, for our soul is not, as you say,

          "Perfect as it was when God created it and as it always is."

Bawa.  Let us say the word "Bawa", establishing the "Presence of God" within us, within our wisdom within us, and place this truth at the feet of our Shaikh, of our dear Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within us, and of God within Him, and now at the feet of His Children (may God be pleased with each of Us), if we like, and try to listen with our faith, certitude, and our determination in God within us, that is, with what in the Islamic tradition is called Iman, to Their discussion of this truth within us, if we like, for the Choice to do this or not with our life, that is, to use Them in this way within us, or not, that is, to become truly successful in our lifetime, or not, is most certainly our Choice, not God's.  Amen.

BawaFirst, when God created our soul, He immediately called it back to Him, but it would not return, because it was afraid, because in its ignorance of "Who it is", of "Where it is", and of "What is happening" to it, it was afraid, afraid of the "Great Big Light" that was calling this "Little Light" back into itself, and quivered, like a ripple in a pond when a pebble is thrown in the middle of it.

BawaSecond, in the "World of souls", which is where we were before coming to this "Earth World", God tried to teach us, to teach the soul life within us, about "Who we are", about 'Where we are", and about "What is happening" to us, but "We could not get it", we could not understand the explanation, because we had no "Contrast", for understanding only comes from contrast, and we were purity trying to learn about purity, and without the "contrast to purity" we could not understand purity.

Bawa.  So God created the "School of Contrast" within us, and sent us there, which is the "First" of God's Schools within us, where we learn about what is "separating us" from God within us, and that is where we have come, to the "School of Contrast" within us, but on the way we got caught in the drama of the world of illusion on the "outside" of us, and that is where we currently are, still on our way to the "School of Contrast" within us, for there is no "contrast" in the dream of "separation and differences" on the "outside" of us, there is no heaven and hell, or good and evil, on the "outside" of us, it is just the dream or drama of "I and you", of "mine and yours", which is really going on within us.

Bawa.  The dream or drama within us that in our ignorance, and in our arrogance about our ignorance, we only currently see as existing on the "outside" of us, but which in truth is within us, as the lives of darkness and evil that have grown within us, in our ignorance, and in our arrogance about our ignorance, and which now rule over us as the 9 opening of the body, with "God's Permission", that is, until we "See God and Steady God" within us, allowing God to then "Cure Himself of us", of "us" living on the "outside" of us, as if we are "separate from" God within us, all of which is not true.

Bawa.  So in this way, my dearest loving brother Muhammad Muhaiyaddeen Sulaiman (may God be pleased with Him), our soul is not pure, is no longer pure, is no longer what you said, that is, is no longer,

          "Perfect as it was when God created it and as it always is."

Bawa.  Because we have taken on an "Impure Birth", because we have become the
"Enemy of the soul".

Bawa.  This is why our dear Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within us, and God within us, teach us for our age, and now on the "outside" of us, why His Children (may God be pleased with each of Us) are teaching us right now, in this Spiritual Chat, to say the following prayers to God, each day, upon rising in the morning, and before going to bed at night,

          1)  "I trust you always, O Gurunathar (Guru who guides). Make my soul pure in
                    this impure birth, and make it shine. Grant me the grace of the Holy One."
          2) "Oh my Father, my Shaikh, my Guru, I need Your love, please, please, please
                    destroy me, (and reveal You).
          3)  (more to come

[Note:  The first prayer is from "Chapter 19" (www.spiritualbook002chap19.homestead.
com), in the beautiful book of wisdom, "The Pearl of Wisdom", (www.ThePearlOf  The second prayer is from a discourse by His Holiness,
Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen
(may God be pleased with Him) within us, and by God within Him, given to us in 1972, to a brother from California, who had a group of disciples, a brother who His Holiness gave the name Shaikh Hamid (the Praiseworthy), and told him to recite this pray every day.  Amen]

Bawa.  And this is why His Holiness, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within us, and God within us, teach us for our age, and now on the "outside" of us, why His Children (may God be pleased with each of Us) are teaching us right now, in this Spiritual Chat, are reminding us right now, of what His Holiness told us one day, told us "In-the-room",

          "I have not come for you, I have come for your soul, to awaken the wisdom
          surrounding your soul, so that the wisdom surrounding your soul can do battle
          with the "Enemy of your soul".

Bawa.  And when this child, this child Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler) heard His Holiness say this, we has Him,

          "Bawa, who is the Enemy of my soul?"

Bawa.  And Bawa look right at this child and said,

          "You are".

Bawa.  And finally, why His Holiness told this child, one day while riding my bicycle to the Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Fellowship, to tell the Children of the Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Fellowship, that we should,

          "To stop fighting with our Shaikh for our soul."

                                                                      - go to "Brief Outline"
                                                                      - go to "Longer Outline"
D-2The True Value of "Work" Is Learning - The "True Value of Work" is not as "what we do" on the "outside" of us, but rather as "what we are learning" within us, that is, as the stage of drama, the play of drama on the "outside" of us, that we can watch, sitting on God's lap within us, as Bawa within us, as our wisdom, teaches us through the drama, through the play on the "outside" of us, about who we "Already are" within us, which in truth is the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us, if we like, for the Choice to do this with our life, or not, is our Choice, not God's

Bawa.  My dearest brothers Muhammad Muhaiyaddeen Sulaiman, we must understand the difference between "True Work" and what we are currently doing in the name of "work", and "True Learning" and what we are currently doing in the name of "learning", and stop the one, and begin the other, before it is too late in our life to do so, and we die to the flesh in our current state, and an eternal hell of "separation from" becomes our lot.

Bawa.  For the "True Value of Work" is not as "what we do" on the "outside" of us, but rather as "what we are learning" within us, that is, as the stage of drama, the play of drama, that we can watch, sitting on God's lap within us, as Bawa within us teaches us through the drama, through the play within us, about who we "Already are", if we like, for the Choice to do this with our life, or not, is our Choice, not God's,

Bawa.  That is, the Choice to sit in the audience with God and with our wisdom within us, and learn from Them within us, or to try to get on the stage on the "outside" of us, and try to participate in the drama, and show off "Who we really are not", and in the process, not really learn about anything of value for our true life, for our soul, is most certainly our Choice, not God's.

Bawa.  For in truth all true learning comes from within us, in partnership with God within us, not as "us" interacting with what we see in our ignorance, and in our arrogance about our ignorance, with what we see as existing in the illusory "outside" of  us.

Bawa.  For in truth, we are not the student, we are the school, and having realized this, we must invite the true student within us, which is our soul life, our 6th life, liberated from our elemental body, by our awakened wisdom, and joined as "One with" our awakened wisdom, to come to the school within us, and learn.

Bawa.  But to do this we must first make our mind sit down within us, by allowing our wisdom to stand up within us, by calling our wisdom to come out of its place within us, which is a place of purity within us, no bigger than an atom, and into our mind within us, which is currently a place of impurity within us, which is currently our place within us, by calling our wisdom within us, which for our age, is calling out the name
"Bawa", or "Bawa Muhaiyaddeen" or "Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen" (may God be pleased with Him), before we "Say or do" or write anything.

Bawa.  In this way, establishing the "Presence of God" within us, within our wisdom within us, allowing God to then "Cure Himself of us", of "us" living on the "outside" of us, as if we are "separate from" God within us, all of which is not true, which in truth is the only "True Learning".  Amen.

Bawa.  My dearest loving brother Muhammad Muhaiyaddeen Sulaiman, work on the "outside" of us is a dream, and as such, as "God's Dream" within us, it is still a grace and a blessing, but we must realize, without the slightest doubt, that work is not "what we do" on the "outside" of us, but rather, work is "what we are learning" from within us, that is, while the dream, the drama is going on, on the "outside" of us, which in truth is "God sleeping" on the "outside" of us, while God is awakening within us, for in truth "There is nothing other than God' within us. 

Bawa.  All of it is His, and all of it serves what He is doing within us, which is revealing God to God within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us, that is, all of it serves to complete His intention within us, which is that "No Child Be Left Behind", no matter what, whether we know it or not, and even whether we like or want it or not, for in truth, "It is really the only Game in Town".  Amen.

                                                                      - go to "Brief Outline"
                                                                      - go to "Longer Outline"
Quotation From His Holiness - from the book of wisdom, "A Mystical Journey"

Bawa.  For example, as our dear Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within us, and as God within Him, teach us for our age, and now on the "outside" of us, His Children (may God be pleased with each of Us) are teaching us right now, in this Spiritual Chat, the following,

--- Beginning of Quotation from "Introduction" to book, "A Mystical Journey" ----

"The earth-fire-water-air-ether mind is always sleeping. That mind is not really the person.

And these mystical experiences are not known through that mind, but rather through wisdom, the soul, and the grace of God, which together fly round and round looking at the cities of illusion and at the wondrous cities of God.

They discover the secrets of those cities and uncover layer after layer of explanations, of what is right and what is wrong, what is illusion and what is truth. They determine which water is good, and which is poisonous, which will give the good taste, and which will give the bad taste.

Thus wisdom, the soul, and the grace of God inquire into everything. and facing each directly they conclude,

          "This is what the seven hells are, and these are the eight heavens."

Then they ask,

          "What do these eight heavens mean? What do they signify?"

Now, heaven and hell look the same, but their taste is different. Hell might appear to be resplendent, but once you see the light of truth, hell disappears. As long as there is no truth, hell shines in its own light, but we shouldn't accept that as the true light.

A man who doesn't know what gold is, might think that copper is gold, or all that glitter is gold. But a wise man will test it. First he will rub the metal against a stone, and then drop some acid over it. If it is real gold it will not be marred, but if it is not, it will dissolve under that acid.

Like this, when the wisdom of the soul, and the essence of truth pick up something, they first rub it on a testing stone, and then pour the acid of wisdom over it. Whatever dissolves is false. Whatever stays without disappearing is true.

----- End of Quotation from "Introduction" to book, "A Mystical Journey" -----

[Note: This is a quotation from the "Introduction" to the beautiful book of wisdom,
"A Mystical Journey" ( by our dear Father,
Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen
(may God be pleased with Him) within us, and by God within Him), and no now on the "outside" of us, by His
Children (may God be pleased with each of Us).  To access an on-line version of the "Introduction" as well as some of the Chapters in this book, please click above or
.  Once there, click on "Introduction".  Thank you.  Enjoy.  Al-hamdu lillah.  Allahu Akbar.  Amen]

Bawa.  In this way, work is the stage of drama on the "outside" of us, that allows us to sit on God's lap within us, and Choose, Choose what we want for eternity, either an eternal life as "One with" God within us, or an eternal life as "separate from" God within us, for the Choice is ours, not God's, while Bawa or wisdom within us conducts the drama within us, that we are seeing in our ignorance, and in our arrogance about our ignorance, as existing on the "outside" of us.

Bawa.  That is, while Bawa or wisdom within us teaches us "what we do not know", if we like, as long as we keep trying to "watch the drama" from within us, and not just try to "participate in it" on the "outside" of  us, even when it seems that we are participating, not watching, all of which is just fine, which is Ok, with us joining in partnership with God within us, whenever we can, as often as we can, to pull us out of the drama on the "outside" of us, and to sit in the audience and watch the drama, the play from within us, with God within us, that is, with Bawa within us, and with God within Him, whenever we can, as often as we can.

Bawa.  For in truth, this is what it means that,

          "Life is the victory of wisdom reason over our fate."

Bawa.  Doing all of this in partnership with God within us, with the realization that in truth we have not yet really learned anything, but that we have started to correct our intention, for example, that we have set our intention to hand everything that comes in the course of the day over to Bawa within us, and to God within Him, for in truth all that we currently have is the dream, is the ego, is the arrogance, karma, and illusion, mind and desire, that God has give to us as His dream, and that "we" in our ignorance have allowed to open and come to maturity within us, in our ignorance, and in our arrogance about our ignorance, sort of like weeds growing within "God's Beautiful Flower Garden".

Bawa.  Which is like story of the work of a little child, who not knowing what to do with a ton of dirt that is delivered to his house, a ton of dirt that his father ordered from the store for a Beautiful Flower Garden, lets the weeds grow within it, thinking that they are flowers, but that is Ok, for that is what little children do.

Bawa.  And if we now join in partnership with God within us we can learn from all of what we have done in our ignorance, and in our arrogance about our ignorance, if we like, for all of it can be used properly or not properly, the Choice is ours, not God's, for we can learn to join with God within us, with our Father, to transform our "weed garden" into "God's Beautiful Flower Garden", if we like.

Bawa.  That is, to transform the "wild jungle" that has grown within our heart, into "God's Beautiful Flower Garden" within our heart, by first transforming it into the "Palace of the soul" within us, into the "House of wisdom" within us, into the house of
Qutb Muhaiyaddeen Abdul-Qadir al-Jilani
(may God be pleased with Him) within us, and then into the "Kingdom of God within us, all of which we can do within us, if we will come to know our current station, that is, and just stop trying to act as if we "Are the Farmer", and realize, understand, and accept, that in truth, instead "We are the earth".

Bawa.  For the most important thing for a disciple to know, is "His current station", for if he thinks that he is an apple tree ready to bear fruit, but in truth he is still an apple seed buried within the earth, ready to germinate, then nothing that he does in his life, even in his spiritual life, from this incorrect perspective, will be appropriate for his station, and will there for be of no value, which in his case, will not cause the apple seed to germinate.

Bawa.  However, if we do come to correctly realize our current state, our current station, that in truth "We are the earth", and within that, that we are the "Seed of God" buried within the Creation of God, ready to germinate.

Bawa.  And "As the earth", we realize that a "wild jungle", a "wild forest" has grown within us, in our heart within us, in our ignorance, and in our arrogance about our ignorance, and that there is a Farmer, a Farmer of God who we can invite into our "wild forest", into our heart, and ask Him to transform our heart into the "Palace of the soul", into the "House of wisdom", into the house of Qutb Muhaiyaddeen Abdul-Qadir al-Jilani (may God be pleased with Him), then what we do in our life to transform our heart, and to plant and germinate the "Seed of God" within us, will be of great value in our life, to our soul life, to our 6th life.

Bawa.  Allowing God to then, if we like, to further transform our heart into the "Kingdom of God" within us, and then into the "Place of True Prayer" within us, the "Prayer of the One to the One who Is" within us, if we like, for the Choice to use our life in this way, or not, that is, to transform it into, in partnership with God within us, into what God created it to be used for, is our Choice, not God's, that is, to transform our heart into what God needs to completes what He is doing within us, which is to reveal God to God within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us, in order to complete His intention within us, which is that, "No Child Be Left Behind".  Amen.

Bawa.  And in this way, for "us" to let God deal with the current condition of our heart within us, to deal with all of the "Things currently living within us", which in truth are all of the "Things currently living within Him" within us, once we convince God, through our actions on the "outside" of us, that in truth, it is He who exists within us, not us, and it is He who needs curing, not us, and that His cure is God within us, which in truth is the only cure for our/His illness, which is God within us, and all of the things that God has grown within Himself, and all of the things that God is doing with all of the things living "within God" within us, which is revealing God to God within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us.

                                                                      - go to "Brief Outline"
                                                                      - go to "Longer Outline"
D-3.  "Who We Are" And "Who We Are Not" - And "Who we are" is what is "within God" within us, and "Who we are not" is what has grown within us, which in our ignorance, and in our arrogance about our ignorance, we currently see as existing on the "outside" of us, and this "Contrast" between these two provides the understanding that we have come here to learn

Bawa.  My dearest loving brother Muhammad Muhaiyaddeen Sulaiman, we need to understand the true meaning of "Who we are", and the true meaning of "Who we are not", for only then can our life move forward, for in truth this is how we learn about the "Wealth of the Three Worlds" within us, which in the Islamic tradition is referred to as the "Mubarakat of God".

Bawa.  In this way, "Who we are" is what is "within God" within us, and "Who we are not" is what has grown within us, which in our ignorance, and in our arrogance about our ignorance, we currently see as existing on the "outside" of us, and this "Contrast" between these two provides the understanding that we have come here to learn.

Bawa.  And this is where we have truly come, not to the "outside" of us, but to the inside of us, that is, to the "First" of God's Schools within us, in the "School of Contrast" within us, which in truth is "who we are" and is "who we are not".

Bawa.  That is, we have come to the "School of Contrast" within us to learn about Everything that now "separates us" from God within us, and then leave, and go to the "Next" of God's Schools within us, to the "School of Light" within us, where God will personally teach us about God within us, and about True Man within God within us,

Bawa.  That is, to learn and then to leave, not to try and continue to live here as some of us now think, which is like "building a house on a bridge", that is, to then leave as the "Palace of the soul", as the "House of wisdom", as the house of Qutb Muhaiyaddeen Abdul-Qadir al-Jilani (may God be pleased with Him), as the 6th level of wisdom within us, as the wisdom that teaches, analyzes, and controls everything within us, as the "Essence of Everything".

Bawa.  Ad to do this before we die to the flesh in our current state, in our current state of being Everything, that is, in our current state of being "Attached to Everything", which has become the "Ocean of our suffering" within us, and that after we die to the flesh in our current state, gradually becomes an eternal hell of "separation and differences" within us, of "separation from" God within us, when we realize what we have done with our life within us, we have "separate ourselves" from God within us, from the "truth of us", and from the "truth of God within us, because or our attachments to "Pleasure"

Bawa.  And all of the things that have grown within God within us, is in truth "Who we are", and all of the things that have grown within us, in our ignorance and in our arrogance about our ignorance, is "Who we aren't", and the contrast is the understanding that we have come here to learn.  Amen.

Bawa.  And all of the things within God are things like His grace, wisdom, and 'ilm, like His Triple Flame, which is His Power, His Essence, and His Everything, and "His Seed" which is the "Seed of God happening" within His Creation within Him, and within that "Seed of God", is the "Seed of True Man", which is the "Seed of True Man happening" within the "Seed of God happening" within the Creation of God, and the "Water of God" for that Seed, to allow it to germinate and reveal the "Tree of God" growing within the Creation of God, and within that reveal the "Fruit of God" growing within the "Tree of God, the "Water of God" which is the affirmation of the "Truth of God" and of "True Man" within God, that in truth, "They are One", and now,our age, "So are We", if we like, because now, "We can all fly".

                                                                      - go to "Brief Outline"
                                                                      - go to "Longer Outline"
D-4The Affirmation of the "Truth of God"  Within Us - Which is that
"I don't exist" as "separate from" God within us, but that in truth, God exists as "One with" me within us, that is, God exists as "One" within the Creation of God within us, and "So can We", if we like, that is, if we will only "Let Him Walk that Path" within us

Bawa.  The affirmation of the "Truth of God" within the "Creation of God" within us, which in the Islamic tradition is referred to in the following way: as

          Ill Allahu,
          Muhammadar Rasul Allah",

Bawa.  Which can be interpreted as,

                    "There is nothing other than You,
          Ill Allahu,
                    You are Allah,
          Muhammadar Rasul Allah", 
                    And Muhammad (Sal.) Is The Messenger of God".
                    (Muhammad (Sal.) is "True Man happening" within "God happening" within
                    the Creation of God, Muhammad (Sal.) Is the "Fruit of God happening"
                    within the"Tree of God happening" within The Creation of God), and as such,
                    Muhammad (Sal.) is the Path or Religion of God, and Its Seal, Its Sweet

                                                                      - go to "Brief Outline"
                                                                      - go to "Longer Outline"
D-5The Affirmation of the "Truth of Man" Within Us - Which is, that in truth "God Is One" within the Creation of God within us, and "So are We", because "We are One Within God" within us, and as such, "We are True Man" within Him, allowing Him to become "One within Us" again, allowing Him to create that Path again, if He likes

Bawa.  And now in our age, the affirmation of the "Truth of True Man" within the "Truth of God", which has grown within the heart of the Children of God for our age, within the
Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen
(may God be pleased with each of Us), which in truth is each of us living in this age, if we like, that is, if the true intention for our life within us, for our soul life, is to again become "One with" God within us, before we do to the flesh in our current state, and get an eternal hell of "separation from" God as our lot.

Bawa.  For example, as it has appeared within the heart of this child over the last 30 years, within the heart of Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler), which is the name that our dear Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within us, and God within Him, gave to this child, in 1980, in Ceylon, after 2 weeks of devotion at the feet of His Holiness, after visiting the "First" Shrine of
Bawa Muhaiyaddeen
(Ral.) in Jaffna, Sri Lanka, which is build over the grave site of the Virgin Mary (peace be upon Her), the Mother of Jesus (peace be upon Him), who appeared in the world over 2000 years ago, as the "First Step" in the  "Judgment and Salvation" for the last age.

Bawa.  The Affirmation of the "Truth of True Man" within the "Truth of God", for our age, which in truth is already the hereafter, which in the Islamic tradition is referred to as Akhirah, is already the "hereafter, here and now, whether we know it or not, and even whether we like it or not, if we like, for the Choice to take advantage of this reality of each of us, that  is, of becoming "One with" God within us, is most certainly our Choice, not God's doing it before we die to the flesh in our current state, getting an eternal hell of "separation from" as our lot, and doing it before at least one of us destroys the "outside", for all of us, which is a very real possibility for our age, forever losing the chance to do it.

Bawa.  The Affirmation of the "Truth of True Man", within the "Truth of God" within us, which can be interpreted as follows:

(Bawa)  Ill Allahu - You are Allah.
          (You are God within us).
(Bawa)  La ilaha - There is nothing other than Allah.
          (There is nothing other than God within us).
(Bawa)  Muhammad Mustafa Rasul (Sal.) -
          Muhammad (Sal.) Is The Chosen Messenger of God.
          [Muhammad (Sal.) as "True Man happening" within "God happening" within the
          Creation of God within us, is the "Seed of True Man" within the "Seed of
          God" within the Creation of God within us, and as such, is the Chosen
          Messenger of God within us (Blessing and peace be upon Him).  All of which is
          the "Chosen Way" of God within us, is the "Way" Chosen by God within us, to
          complete what God has started within each of us, a very, very long time ago,
          which in the Christian tradition is referred to as God "Making Straight The Way
          of the Lord" within us, and in the Islamic tradition, is referred to as God
          "Providing us with the Straight Path" within us, and is also seen as the Prophet
          of God "Placing the Seal" on The One True Religion or Path of God within us).
(Bawa)  You are True Man
          (That is, You are "God happening again" within us but this time within "True Man"
          within God within us, and as such, You are the "Seed of God" within the "Seed of
          True Man" within God within us, for as the tree is connected to the earth, the fruit
          is only connected to the tree, and as God is connected to the Creation of God,
          True Man is only connected to God)
(Bawa)  He is One
          (Since in truth, there is nothing "outside" of us, and in truth "Only God exists"
          within us, and in truth "There is nothing other than God" within us, and in truth
          "God is One" within us, then in truth, God is "Everything ready to happen again",
          and within that is the "Essence of Everything ready to happen again", and within
          that is the "Power within the Essence of Everything ready to happen again", that
          is, once "Everything has returned to Essence, and all Essence has returned to
          the Power", having completed its duty, like the rain falling back into the ocean,
          from which it came, having completed its duty, no longer existing as the rain, as
          "separate from" the ocean, for in truth God is the "Power within the Essence of
          Everything", that is, after the "Last happening of Everything", and after the "Last
          happening of the Essence", and the "Last happening of the Power", that is, after
          all that is left is God, and "No Child Has Been Left Behind".  Amen.

Bawa.  And "within God" within us are also His 124,000 Heavenly Being, Prophets, and Lights of God, which are reflections of True Man or Manu-eesan or "Man-the-divine" or "Man-the-high" within God, which if properly applied to our illness allows us to become more and more content, and more and more peaceful, and more and more trusting in God within us, with whatever comes, and with whatever goes. For we can do that much, right?

                                                                      - go to "Brief Outline"
                                                                      - go to "Longer Outline"
D-6.  Establishing The "Presence of God" Within Us - Is the only cure of us, and of God within us, the only cure of the dream, and of the dreamer, that is for sure

Bawa.  And when we say the word "Bawa", establishing the "Presence of God" within us, then God can start to "Cure Himself of the us", of "us" living on the "outside" of
us, as if we are "separate from" God within us, all of which is not true.   And we can do that, if we like, right?

Bawa.  Realizing that when the "I" within us goes to try and deal with something, as if we are "separate from" God within us, that this causes God to stay in His dream, and causes us to stay "as His dream", where He is dreaming of Himself, living on the "outside" of Himself, as if He is "separate from" Himself within Himself.  What a wonder is this God our ours, to create such a beautifully simple yet magnificent duality, between God and Himself, so if we like, He can join in partnership with God within Himself, so God can end it, if we like, with "No Child Left Behind", if we like, that is, for the Choice to end the duality within us, to end all "separation from" within us, or not, is our Choice, not God's.

Bawa.  That is, the Choice to end our separation from ourselves within us, from the
true Creation of God
within us, which is "Everything" that is "within God" within us, to end our separation from God within us, and God's separation from us within Him, which is "True Prayer" within us, and to end God's separation from Himself within us, from what is "within True Man" within Him within us, or not, is our Choice, not God's. 

Bawa.  Realizing that "we" have a very important but very different kind of work to do within "Us", than what "we" are currently trying to do on the "outside" of "us", and that is to bring "God into Presence" within "Us", for the benefit of all of the Creation of God living within "Us", so "We" can "Pass Judgment" upon them within "Us", so "We" can make them Complete within "Us", if they like, before we die to the flesh in our current state.

Bawa.  And in this way, allowing God to come and do what must be done within "Us",  that only God can do within us, in partnership with"Us" within us, which is what is "within God" within us, that is, both with all that "we" are currently experiencing on the "outside" of "us", that is really within us, as the lives of darkness and evil that have grown within us, in our ignorance, and in our arrogance about our ignorance, and with all that "we" are not presently experiencing within "Us", which is Everything "within God" within us, but which is also there, and doing this, that is, living this way within us, not through our knowing, or through our understanding on the "outside" of us, but rather through our faith and trust, and our love for God within us, that is, through our realizing, without the slightest doubt, "Our Oneness", no matter what, .  Amen. 

Bawa.  That is, no matter what we may be currently experiencing and thinking and doing and saying on the "outside" of us, rejecting it all, with each breath, as false, saying to God within us, with each breath, with each look, starting each "saying" by invoking our wisdom, and God within our wisdom, in order to establish the "Presence of God" within us, saying,

          1)  (Bawa)  You are God
          2)  (Bawa)  There is nothing other than You
          3)  (Bawa)  Without You, there is not other help, because "I do not exist"
          4)  (Bawa)  You are with me, be inside my heart
          5)  (Bawa)  Do not be separated from me

Bawa.  For then, in this way, and only in this way, when "we" have convinced God within us, that we are truly done with the dream within us, with the dream of "us" living on the "outside" of "us", as if we are "separate from" God within us, all of which is not true, then God within us will truly awaken from His dream within us, and our awakened wisdom will liberate our soul, which is Moses (peace be upon Him) within us having spoken to God within us, ready to lead His People to the "Promised Land" within us.

Bawa.  And then our awakened wisdom within us, joined as "One with" our liberated soul, which is Jesus (peace be upon Him) within us having gotten off of "His Cross" within us, is Jesus (peace be upon Him) within us having "risen from the dead" within us, will go in search of and merge as "One with" the "Nur" within us, which is Muhammad (blessing and peace be upon Him) within us, which is the light of our wisdom, the 8 heaven within us, the purified heart within us, or Alhamd within us, the "body of the soul" within us, as "True Prayer" within us, the "Prayer of the One to the One who Is" within us, allowing our soul to gradually disappear back into God within us, and when it does, "We will be within it", as the Witness, if we like.

Bawa.  That is, if we like, for the Choice to use our life in this way, to allow our soul to again become "One with" God within us, or at least to truly start to, in partnership with God within us, before we die to the flesh in our currernt state, in our current state of "separation from" on the "outside" of us, and get an eternal hell of "separation from" God within us as our lot, after our physical death, is most certainly our Choice, not God's
Bawa.  And in this way, if we like, and only in this way, allowing all that has become "separate from" God within us, to move back into God within us, if they like, becoming again what is "within Him" within us, if they like, becoming again what God is doing with what is "within Him" within us, if they like, which is revealing God to God within "Us", for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within "Us", and "We will be within it", as the Witness, if we like. Amen.

Bawa.  And in this way, "We" can all exist as "One" within God within us, in the state of being "Alone, hungry, and awake" within God within us, having allowed God to establish "True Prayer" within us, the "Prayer of the One to the One who Is" within us.

Bawa.  And in this way, and only in this way, God will make our life truly successful in our lifetime, when we join in partnership with God within us,

          "To allow our wisdom to reason over our fate".  Amen.

Bawa.  So my dearest loving brother Muhammad Muhaiyaddeen Sulaiman, whatever comes, whether it be our wife, our children, our students, our friends, or Louie, the intention must always be the same, that "God be there", not us, that "God be Present", not us, and then God within us, will "Make it so", then God within us, will become "Present" within us, not us.  It is just this simple.  Amen.

Bawa.  That is, not us, living on the "outside" of us, as if we are "separate from" God within us, which is our current state, our current state of ignorance, and of arrogance about our ignorance, and in the end, if we truly join in partnership with God within us,
to allow
God is finished telling "His Story" within us, then "We will be within it", that
is, "His Story" within us will have become "Our Story" within Him within us, as True Man within God within us.  Amen.

Bawa.  And in this way, and only in this way, God's intention for telling "His Story"
within us, will have become Complete within us, that is, that
"No Child Will Be Left Behnd"within us , that in the end, there is nothing still "separate from" God within us, for then "Only God" will exists within us, and "Only True Man" will exist within God within us, and They will be One, as the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us.  Amen

Bawa.  And to help us learn to do this, with each breath, with each look, with each smell, with each taste, before we "Say or do" anything on the "outside" of us, God has given us the "Gift of God" for our age, God has given us the "Life and Teaching of God" for our age, God has given us the "Word of God" for our age, for the Children of God for our age, and in this way, God has given us the "Name of God" for our age, which for our age is "Bawa" or "Bawa Muhaiyaddeen" or "Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen" (may God be pleased with Him), which in truth is the Name of His Chiildren (may God be pleased with each of Us).  Amen.

Bawa.  So before we "Say or do" anything on the "outside" of us, say the word "Bawa" or "Bawa Muhaiyaddeen" or "Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen" (may God be pleased with Him), with the intention that "God be there", not "us" living on the "outside" of us, as if we are "separate from" God within us, in this way establishing the "Presence of God" within us.

Bawa.  Realizing that if we do this, in partnership with God within us, and stop all of our "working for wages to get into heaven", then everything is always perfect, no matter what, no matter what we may think we are experiencing on the "outside" of us, because then "our work" is done, no matter what we are seeing, or feeling, or thinking, or believing, or expecting, for once God is Present "our work" is done, at least for that breath, until the next breath, when we must then make God Present again, if we like, for the Choice to do this or not, with our life, with each breath, is our Choice, not God's.

Bawa.  And if we can do this with each breath, then we will have no time to "see how Bawa comes and does what must be done", because what needed to be done, which is the "Presence of God' within us, has already been done, and the "outside" of us, like the moon when the sun rises, will gradually become for us, but a shadow of itself, and we will be lost in the wonder, the glory, the joy, and the bliss of God within us, and of what God is doing within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us, which is revealing God to God within us.  Amen.

                                                                      - go to "Brief Outline"
                                                                      - go to "Longer Outline"
D-7.  Everyone Is Arguing With God - And in truth no one is ever arguing with us, because in truth they want God to be different from what He really is, which is "Oneness", and even worse, they want themselves, and all of us, to be different from what in truth we really are, which is also "Oneness", and in this way, what we experience as God's dream, as the Witness of God dreaming within us, are all of the
unrealistic expectations
of all of the Creations of God within us, that support their continued "separation from" God within us, that support "Their argument with God",
rather then
focusing on their falling again back into "His Oneness" from which we have all come, but this time with an understandiing of "Our Oneness" so it will never leave us again, and so, we must become patient with all of these very unrealistic expectations that literally make up our life, both as our life on the illusory "outside" of us, and as our relationships with our brothers and sisters, and we must join with God within us, in order to find peace about them, first using this truth about them, and then, in our asking God to "Help Us All", not just "us", not getting caught up in them, because in truth "Everything is always perfect", then in our being "Done with Them", with each of these unrealistic expectations, each time they occur in our life, and finally, in our lovingly saying to God within us, each time we are forced to deal with them, each time God places them infront of us,

          "Thank You O God, But No Thank You. What's Next, O God".  Amen

Bawa.  My dearest loving brother Muhammad Muhaiyaddeen Sulaiman, with "us" doing all of this within us, in partnership with God within us, with the realization, without the slightest doubt, that for "us" to do this, as much as we can, is enough, as often as we can, is enough, whenever we can, is enough, and to become patience with ourselves, and with those around us, more and more, as we "step out in this direction" in our life, including with our family, and with our friends, and with our students, realizing that all of "their expectations" are really expectations for God within us, not for us on the "outside" of us.

Bawa.  In this way, realizing that the "meeting of all their expectations" in truth is God's responsibility not ours, and realizing that in truth, since in truth  "we do have God" within us, all we ever have to do, when "these expectations" rise up before us, is to "step back" so God can "step forward" from within us, and from within them, and successfully deal with "all expectations" perfectly.

Bawa.  And realizing with each breath, with each look, with each thought, and with each intention, that this, and only this, is a very, very realistic way to live our life in the world, and to live this way, more and more, as much as we can, as often as we can, and in this way, perfectly meeting all expectations, of everyone, whether they know it or not.

Bawa.  And realizing that all of these expectations, that came before us, are really only God's lesson for our day, are all only God's gift for our day, are all perfectly designed by God within us, for God within us to see, before we die to the flesh,  to see what we truly want for eternity.

Bawa.  That is, for God within us to see what we will do with them, with each of these expectation, that is, to see if we will "step forward" like a fool to try and meet these expectations, of both us and of those around us, or "step back" like a child of God, and "let God do it", in partnership with God within us, or not.

                                                                      - go to "Brief Outline"
                                                                      - go to "Longer Outline"
D-8.  "Changing Places" With God Within Us - For if we truly want to reach God, we must convince Him to "Change Places" within us, we must convince Him that we are "truly done" with what He has given us, so He can then "use it" to finish what He has started within us, a very, very long time ago, which is to use what is "within" God within us, which in truth is "who we already are" within us, if we like, not what we are currently experiencing in our ignorance, and in our arrogance about our ignorance, on the "outside" of us, in order to reveal God to God within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us, or at least to truly start to do this within us, in partnership with God within us, before we die to the flesh in our current state,
and get
an eternal hell within us, which is an eternal life as "separate from" God within us, as our lot

Bawa.  Realizing with our wisdom, my dearest loving brother Muhammad Muhaiyaddeen Sulaiman, that only then, if we "step back" like a child of God, letting God within us "step forward", that only then, will all responses coming from us, all comings and goings on the "outside" of us, be Ok, both for us and for everyone else.

Bawa.  And in this way, at all times, "hiding behind" God within us, like a little child hiding behind his mother in times of doubt and fear, seeking only God's protection, from within God within us, from our arrogance, karma, illusion, mind, and desire, letting Him be "Presence' before them, letting Him meet their expectations, in all cases.

Bawa.  And in this way, learning to escape from them, from the illusory "outside" of us, within is really a world of darkness and evil within us, by becoming smaller, and smaller, by engaging the world less and less, by learning to "forget ourselves" on the "outside" of us as we "remember Him" within us, by learning to "let Him speak" on the "outside" of us as we become silent within us, by letting "Him be Present" within us as we become "Omnipresent" within us, as we learn to disappear within Him within us, as He appears within us.

Bawa.  And in this way, by "Changing Places with God" within us, by making Him move and speak on the "outside" of us, as we become motionless and silent within us, making Him "Present" within us, as we become "Omnipresent" or "all present" within us, that is, as we become present within all lives within us, making us "Omniscient" or "all knowing" within us, that is, understanding all lives within us, and the Essence of all lives within us, and the Power of God within all lives within us, as God understands what He started within us, and what He must now finish within us, which is to reveal God to God within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us.  Amen.

                                                                      - go to "Brief Outline"
                                                                      - go to "Longer Outline"
D-9.  We Currently "Only Want" The World - not wisdom, and not God, for in truth the world only wants the world, not wisdom or God, and only wisdom wants wisdom, and only God wants God, and we have "All Three", and "All Three" truly define "who we are", and "where we are", and "what is happening" to us, not just the world that we have opened in our ignorance, and in our arrogance about our ignorance, but we have yet to open the world of "Wisdom within Wisdom" within us, and of "God within God" wihtin us, and until then, all we really want is the world, the world within the world, which is the world that we have currently opened within us, and in our ignorance, and in our arrogance about our ignorance, only see as existing on the "outside" of us, but which in truth is within us, as the real but false lives of darkness and evil that have grown within us, like weeds in "God's Beautiful Flower Garden", and which now rule over us as the "9 openings", with "God's Permission"

Bawa.  We currently really don't want God or the wisdom of God, and this is the truth of us, not what some of us currently believe in our ignorance, and in our arrogance about our ignorance, that "We want and love God", all of which is just simply not true, and this is Ok, because what currently lives within us, that "Wants the world" is not all that lives within us, also within us, is another "Part of Us" that wants the wisdom of God, and within that, that wants God, but it is not the part that we have now become "One with", which is the part within us that "just wants the world". 

Bawa.  This is the first great transformation of our life.  First, that "what we are currently experiencing" is not "all that we are", that in truth it is "who we are", but that it does not encompass "all that we are".

Bawa.  For as our dearest loving Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within us, and God within Him, teach us for our age, and now on the "outside' of us, His Children (may God be pleased with each of Us) are teaching us right now, in this E-mail Version of this Spiritual Chat, the following:

          "It is true that to be born into the world is great.

          1) The Motionless All Pervading One is the Omniscient Silent One
          2) The world is a hypnotic fascination.
          3)  The mind is agitation, disorganization, and bewilderment.
          4) The words of a Gnana Guru is a driving force".

[Note:  This quotation is from "Chapter 2", or "Search For God", in the beautiful book of wisdom, "The Pearl of Wisdom", by our dear Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within us, and by God within Him.  To access an on-line copy of "Chapter 2" (www.SpiritualBook002Chap02. please click above or HERE, and to access an on-line copy of the "Table of Contents" of this book (, please click above or HERE.  Thank you.  Enjoy.  Al-hamdu lillah.  Allahu Akbar.  Amen]

Bawa.  And in this way, in truth "we are all 4", which as His Holiness explains in "Chapter 3" of the same book, "The Pearl of Wisdom", which has the title, "The Search for a Guru", become the 16 Gurus as we grow up, become fully developed when we reach the age of 36 years, when we become the "4 False Gurus" as described by His Holiness in "Chapter 4" of the same book, with the same title, that is, "The 4 False Gurus", all of which is Ok, if we only have the wisdom to realize it, and then properly use it.

Bawa.  For only when we have become the "4 False Gurus" around the age of 36 years, do we truly become of "Great Value" to the Guru, like only when the apple seed buried within the earth germinates and reveals the apple tree, with the apple tree coming to maturity, and bearing fruit, and the fruit comes to maturity, is the apple seed of any real value to the farmer.  So too it is with the true Guru, who in truth is God within us, who in truth has planted a "Seed of God" within us, and has worked for the first 36 years of our life, as our "Foster Mother" who in truth has raised us, to transform that "Seed of God" into what can now be transformed into the "Tree of God" and the ripe "Fruits of God", if we will only let Him.

Bawa.  And when we are around 36 years old, and have become the "4 False Gurus", only then are truly valuable to God within us, who if we like, if we truly join in partnership with God within us, He will transform the "4 False Gurus" within us, into the "1 True Guru" within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us, as the "Light of God" to the World.  Amen.

Bawa.  And in this way, my dearest loving brothers Muhammad Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), you say,

          "So whatever comes, this child says, "Bawa" and then waits to see how Bawa
          comes and does what must be done. With the absolute assurance that Bawa will
          do what needs to be done and that one day this child will be able to say with
          complete clarity and conviction that,

          "There is nothing in this creation of God that I need. All that is needed is God.
          He and He alone is sufficient. There is nothing for me to do."

Bawa.  Which is a "nice thought", but perhaps is setting us up for a "big fall", when in truth that which had this thought can never realize this expectation, because it is an unrealistic expectation, as we discussed earlier. 

Bawa.  Perhaps a much safer and more realistic way of saying this is in the context of the truth of each of us, that we have all thee parts, and it is only these three part of us that make up the whole, not any one part, that is, that can be viewed as "Three Worlds"  within us, that is, the world of the "World within the World", and the world of "Wisdom within Wisdom", and the world of "God within God.

Bawa.  And in this way, we have,

          1) God Within Us - which is the "Power of God" within us, or the "Alif" within us,
                    which is located on the "bridge of the nose" within the 28 letters of the
                    "Mystical Body" of man within us

Bawa.  Who is the God part of us, within us, that is, who as the "The Motionless All Pervading One is the Omniscient Silent One" within us, is the God part of us, who if we like, can cause the soul within us to again become "One with" God within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us, but this time with an understanding of "Our Oneness" so it will never leave us again.  Who as the God part of us, is the "True Power" behinds the scenes within us.  Who as the God part of us, is the one true agenda within us, is the one true intention within us, that in this telling of the Story of God within us, the Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us, that in the end there be, "No Child Left Behind", that is, in the end, that there be nothing within us that is "Still" acting as if it is "separate from" God within us.

          2)  The Wisdom of God Within Us - which is the "Essence of God" within us,
                    or the "Lam" within us, which is located within the "mouth and throat"
                    within the 28 letters of the "Mystical Body" of man within us

Bawa.  Who is the wisdom part of us, within us, that is, who as the "The words of a Gnana Guru is a driving force" within us, is the wisdom part of us, who if we like, can teach, analyze, and control everything within us, and enlighten from within us, and as such, if we like, can move our life forward within us, allowing us to "Change places with God" within us, if we like, if we learn how to properly call our wisdom within us, how to properly make it stand up within us, for our age, so our mind and desire will sit down within us, so God can be "Made Present" within us, that is, so "we are not there", living on the "outside" of us, as if we are "separate from" God within us, and God is there within us, in this way, God can be made to move and to speak from within us.

          3) And The World Within Us - which is the "Everything of God" within us, or
                    the "Mim" within us, which is located within the "brain" within the 28 letters
                    of the "Mystical Body" of man within us

Bawa.  Who is the world part of us, that is, as the "The world is a hypnotic fascination" within us, and as "The mind is agitation, disorganization, and bewilderment" within us, is the world part of us, who if we stay in our current state, in our current state of ignorance, and of arrogance about our ignorance, in our current state of living on the "outside" of us, as if we are "separate from" God within us, as if we are "separate from" each other, and as if we are "separate from" the Creation of God within us, will continue to rule over us, as the 9 openings of our body, with "God's Permission", will continue to lead us to hell within us, to an eternal life as "separate from" God within us, will continue to lead us to the Angel of Death (peace be upon Him), to the "suffering of the grave", and to Qiyamah (the Standing Forth; the Day of Judgment", which will become our lot, when we die to the flesh in our current state, with us then taking on 105 million rebirths as part of our judgment, with us ending as a worm in hell with only one level of consciousness, or feeling.
Bawa.  Then if we approach our current state in this way, as living in ignorance of two parts of us, of our wisdom within us, and of God within our wisdom within us, then we will start to approach the liberation of our soul by our wisdom, and the joining of our soul and our wisdom with God within us, as a much more realistic endeavor within us.

Bawa.  But still an endeavor that we can only accomplish by using "God within us", and not what God has discarded within us, which is the current world that has been opened within us, that is, the "World within the World" within us, which is our current state, which is everything of what God discarded in order to become God within us, which is now "Everything" living within us, which we only see in our ignorance, and in our arrogance about our ignorance, as existing on the "outside" of us, but which in truth is within us, as the lives of darkness and evil that we have allowing to grow within us, again in our ignorance, and in our arrogance about our ignorance, like weeds that have grown within "God's Beautiful Flower Garden", and which now rule over us as the 9 elemental openings of our illusory body, with "God's Permission" within us, until we "See God and Steady God" within us, so God can then "Cure Himself of us", of "us" living on the "outside" of us, as if we are "separate from" God within us, all of which is not true, by closing down the world of hell, of jinns, and of fairies within us, re-opening the world of souls within us, and then opening the kingdom of God within us.  Amen.

Bawa.  All of which can be accomplished within us by using what is "within God" within us, which includes our grace, wisdom, and 'ilm or divine knowledge of God, and the 124,000 Heavenly Beings, Prophets, and Lights of God within us, and by using "what God is doing" within us, with what is "within God" within us, which is revealing God to God within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us.

Bawa.  And in this way, to more realistically think about our current state, and the true potential of our life, that is, that in truth,

          1)  I Currently Need "Everything" In The World

Bawa.  And that is Ok, because that is the nature of the world part of me, that is the nature of the part of me that is "The world is hypnotic fascination", and that is the nature of the part of me that is "The mind is agitation, disorganization, and bewilderment", which is the part of me that will only sit down within me when my wisdom stands up within me, and "Lets God be Present", and "Lets God Speak" from within me.  Amen.

          2) My Wisdom Needs "The Wisdom" Of God

Bawa.  And that is Great, because that is the nature of God's part of me, the wisdom part of me, the part of me that must first open the 'World within the World" within me, that is the earth world of the dunya within the illusory world on the "outside" of me, which is the "First" of God's Schools within us, which is the "School of Contrast" within me, the school of the wealth of the first two world within me, which is the wealth of "heaven and hell", and the wealth of "good and evil" within me.

Bawa.  And that is the part of me that is "The words of a Gnana Guru is a driving force", which awakens to the "Word of God" for our age, for the Children of God for our age, and does battle with the 'Enemy of the soul', which is our current life and our current state within us.

Bawa.  Which is our current state and life of living on the "outside" of us, as if we are "separate from" God within us, as if we are "separate from" each other, and as if we are "separate from" the Creation of God within us, all of which is not true, the part which, if we will let it, if we will join with it, will pull out the 5 nails of "our desire" that are keeping our soul, which is Jesus (peace be upon Him) within us, crucified on the cross of our body, on the cross of the illusory body that now falsely defines me, as the illusory "outside" of me, causing me to "Not know to seek myself within myself, although God exists within man."

          3) My Soul Needs The Purity Of God

Bawa.  And that is Great too, because that too is the nature of the God part of me.
(We can discuss this more later, if we like)

          4) And God, And Only God, Needs God

Bawa.  And that is Great too, because that too is the nature of the God part of me.
(We can discuss this more later also, if we like)

Bawa.  For in truth my dearest loving brother Muhammad Muhaiyaddeen Sulaiman, all four are "Who We Are", not just the one that we have opened, which is the world of "World within World" within us, not just the first 1000 universes of the 18,000 universes, not just the world of hell, of jinns, and of fairies. 

Bawa.  For in truth, we are also the "World of souls" which is the world of "Wisdom within Wisdom" within us, and we are the "Kingdom of God", which is the world of "God within God", if we like, for the Choice is ours, not God's.

Bawa.  And in truth, if we will let God have back what He has given us, "We are All One", as the Dhat, the Sir, and the Safat, as the "Power within the Essence of Everything", as God, the Soul, the Wisdom, and Me, and that is Ok, gradually moving in partnership with God within us from the "Everything" within us, which is our current world, experience, and state, to the "Essence of Everything", which is the "understanding of everything", and within that, to the "understanding of the No-thing", all of which is wisdom within me, in this way, closing down the first world within me, which is the world of "World within World" within me, and opening the second world within me, which is the world of "Wisdom within Wisdom",  and within that, opening the No-thing, which is God within me, which is the third and final world within me, the world of "God within God" within me, and letting all of this transformation happen within me, in God's way, not ours, in God's time, not ours.  Amen.
Bawa.  And in this way, my dearest loving brother Muhammad Muhaiyaddeen Sulaiman, the statement that, "He and He alone is sufficient", is only for God within us, and is only appropriate when this third and last world within us has opened, which is the world of "God within God".  Ok?

Bawa.  But there is always "plenty for us" to do, in our current state, in the world that we have currently opened within us, which is the "World within the World" within us, which in truth are the 18,000 universes within us, and the 1000 of them that we have already opened within us, which we are now experiencing in our ignorance, and in our arrogance about our ignorance, as a life of "separation and differences" on the "outside" of us, living as if we are "separate from" God within us, as if we are "separate from" each other, and as if we are "separate from" the Creation of God within us, all of which is not true.  Amen.

Bawa.  And in this way, our work is to know "His work", that is to know "God's work" within us, and "His work" is all work within us, and in this way, to join in partnership with God within us, to open the next world within us, and in this way, to close down the current world within us, that is, to open the world of  "Wisdom within Wisdom" within us, and to close down the world of "World within World" within us, that is, to close down the world of hell, of jinns, and of fairies within us, and to re-open the world of souls within us, in order to let "God be Present" within us, in order to let God Speak from within us, as the "Word of God" for our age, for the Children of God for our age, that is, as,

          1) The "Remedy of the Master Guru" within us, for in truth,
                    There is magic in His Glorious Words."
          2) The "Grace of the Sacred Universal Traveler, which contains
                    Good Remedy for further ."
          3) "That Matter wandering with No Haste,
                    the mind Seeking to Know the One".  Amen.

Bawa.  And in this way, our work is to be putting God, and our wisdom, and our soul to work within us all day long, initially as the Triple Flame of God within us, that is,

Bawa.  And doing this, as our work, as our only work, both within us and on the "outside" of us, as the only work that will work within us, as in truth "God Curing Himself of us" within us, of "us" having mistakenly opened the world of "World within World" within us, of mistaking having opened the world of hell, of jinns, and of fairies within us, that is, having mistakenly opened the world of hell or of  water livers within us, which in truth is everything currently below our waist, which is the world of "false creation" within us, the world of earth joined with water within us, the false world of "spit and duality" within us, of "sperm and ovum" within us.

Bawa.  Having mistakenly opened the world of jinns or fire lives within us, which is our stomach, which is "false destruction" within us, the world of earth joined with fire within us, giving us the illusion of nourishment within us, while in truth only the grace of God, which is referred to as "His Risq, in the Islamic tradition, nourishes us, or any of the Creation of God within us, which is what God told Solomon (peace be upon Him) when He tried to feed the Creation of God, for just one meal, and failed.

Bawa.  And having mistakenly opened the world of fairies or air lives within us, which is our chest, which is "false life" within us, the life of the "impure spirits" within us, who can take on any form that they like, and come and go as they like, appearing when they are facing us, and disappearing when they turn sideways, which in truth is the cause of all of the things we now call "alien sightings" or UFOs, or Crop Circles, etc.

Bawa.  And now that we have opened them, opened these 1000 of the 18,000 universes within us, opened these three worlds within us, within our current world, in this world of "World within World", they rule over us, as our "karma", as our "fate", as our "destiny", as a "show of scenes" on the "outside" of us.

Bawa.  And,

          "People say that after a man is born, his life is controlled by fate, but Son,
          it is not so.  For in truth, life is the victory of wisdom reasoning over fate."

[Note:  This Quotation is from "Chapter 31", "The Mystical Meaning of Man's Body", in the beautiful book of wisdom, "The Pearl of Wisdom", by our dearest loving Father,
Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen
(may God be pleased with Him) within us, and by God within Him, and now on the "outside" of us, by His Children
(may God be please with each of Us), if we like.  To access an on-line copy of "
Chapter 31" ( please click above or
, and to read an on-line copy of the "Table of Contents", as well as, some of the Chapters, in the book, "The Pearl of Wisdom" www.ThePearlOfWisdom.homestead.
com), please click above or HERE.  Thank you.  Enjoy.  Al-hamdu lillah. Allahu Akbar.  Amen]

                                                                      - go to "Brief Outline"
                                                                      - go to "Longer Outline"
D-10.  The Point of Our Life - is to use "God to get to God" within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us.  Amen.

Bawa.  And this is the "Point of our life", my dearest loving brother Muhammad Muhaiyaddeen Sulaiman, to use "God" within us, which is true, to "get to God" within us, that is, to go to an eternal life as "One with" God within us, or at least to truly start to do this, so God can then do "Everything Else", before we die to the flesh in our current state, not to use "us" living on the "outside" of us, as if we are "separate from" God within us, which is false, that is, literally to "go to hell" within us, after we die to the flesh in our current state, no matter what name we may choose to call it, in our ignorance, and in our arrogance about our ignorance, that is, to go to an eternal life as "separate from" God within us.

Bawa.  Which in truth is but using the other two parts of us, to transcend the current part of us, that is, to use the other two worlds within us, that is, the world of "Wisdom within Wisdom" within us, and the world of "God within God" within that, to close down the world of "World within World" that we have mistakenly opened, in our ignorance, and in our arrogance about our ignorance, and to do this, at least to start to do this, in partnership with God within us, before we die to the flesh in our current state.

Bawa.  For "If we don't do this", or at least truly start to do this, in partnership with God within us, before we die to the flesh in our current state, then our mistake will "follow us" into eternity, and will first become the "suffering of the grave" within us, with "us" roaming the earth world within us as the 5 elemental spirits or ruhanies within us,
Qiyamah, and will then become Qiyamah (the Standing Forth; the Day of Judgment) within us, with "us" taking on 105 million rebirths within us as part of "our" judgment, with "us" becoming a worm in hell with only one level of consciousness within us, or feeling, as part of our judgment, with "us" taking on an eternal life as "separate from" God within us, as part of our judgment, all within the "Justice of God" within us, for in truth,

          "Whatever we intend is what we will receive."

Bawa.  But "If we do this", or at least truly start to do this, in partnership with God within us, before we die to the flesh in our current state, then our mistake "stops", that is, "stops" here, before we die the flesh in our current state, and then God within us will do "Everything Else" in order to make our life truly successful in our lifetime.  For this is "God's Promise" for our age.  This is "God's Guarantee" for our age.   May we all know this now, without the slightest doubt, and start to act accordingly, start to act
as if
we are "One with" God within us, and since this is the "truth of us", and the "truth of God" within us, then God will "Make it so" within us.  Amen.

Bawa.  So start to "Task God" within us, by starting to "Task" all of the "Things" within God within us, which includes the wisdom of God within us, and the truth of God within the wisdom of God within us, and They will do "Everything Else", and start to do this
with each breath, with each look, with each smile, with each intention, as much as we can, and as often as we can, placing our faith and trust in God within us, and only in God within us, as much as we can, as often as we can.  This is the key.

Bawa.  Realizing without the slightest doubt, because if we have doubt then
"We are out", and then They will gladly help us, gladly usher us ashore,  that is, if our intention is "Praisewhorthy", in this way, allowing Them as "One" within us, and allowing "us" as "One" within Them within us,  to finish what God has started within us, a very, very long time ago, which is to reveal God to God within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us, and when They do, "We will be within it", "We" will be within Them, as the Witness, as God's Witness of God within us.  Amen.

                                                                      - go to "Brief Outline"
                                                                      - go to "Longer Outline"
E.  Closing Comments - may we both join with Bawa within us, and with God within Him, to share this sharing with all of our dearest loving brothers and sisters, as much as we can, as ofter as we can.  Amen


Bawa.  Please give my love and salams to our dear sister/wife Angela, to our dear sister/daughter Jamela, and to our dear brother/son Kareem, and to all of our dearest loving brothers and sisters of the Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Fellowship.

Bawa.  Please tell them that Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler) loves them very, very much, and that they are always in our prayers.

Bawa.  And like always, please try to join with Bawa within us, and with God within Him, to share this sharing with them, as this "Heart's Work" is the true liberator or our soul, for in truth it is how the grace flows within us, and clarity develops, if we like, for only when we share from our own melting heart will anything of God's wealth truly become ours, for it is the "melting heart" that gets God, nothing less than this, everything else is just drama, the drama of "I and you", of "mine and yours", and the only way to win the drama of our life, is not to play, and the only way "not to play" to get God to be "Present", which will end all of the drama of our life, and allow God to make our life truly successful in our lifetime.  Amen.

Bawa.  May we both learn to do this, this "Heart's Work" within us, in partnership with God within us, while there is still time, that is, before we die to the flesh in our current state and an eternal hell as "separate from" God becomes our lot.  Amen.

Bawa.  My love you (anbu) - Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler).

End of "Page 3 of 3" of
Spiritual Chat 247
- E-mail Version -
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Spiritual Chat 247 ----------- "E-mail Version" ---------------- About Spiritual Chat
Title of Chat:  "Learning How to Become Alone, Hungry, and Awake,
                                        Before We Set Out To Pray"
                                        (click HERE to read an "Expanded Version" of this Title)
Date of Chat:  February 21, 2006
Chat Between:  Muhammad Muhaiyaddeen Sulaiman (Curtis Wahlgren) and Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler)
Page 3 of 3

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                    Outline & Summary - Page 3 only
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Short Overview - of Spiritual Chat 247

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Main Menu - or "Table of Contents" for Spiritual Chat 247 ------------------- (STATUS)

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                    E-mail Version - next shortest version, 1 or 2 outlines,
                              short or expanded summaries -------------------------------------- (Available)
                              (On-line Version of the "E-mail" that was sent to you)
                              Outline & Summary - of E-mail Version
                              Text of E-mail Version - Spiritual Chat 247
                    Outline & Summary Version - longest version, 2 or 3 outlines,
                              multiple summaries ----------------------------------------------------- (In Process)
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Introduction - to Spiritual Chat 247

BawaBismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim. In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most
Compassionate. Al-salam 'alaykum wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu. Wa
'alaykum al-salam wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu.  May all the peace, the
beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon us all.  May God help us all.

Bawa.  My love you (anbu), my dearest loving brothers and sisters - Shaikh
Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler).

Bawa.  Here is "Page 3 of 3" of the "E-mail Version" of "Spiritual Chat 247", a beautiful sharing from the other night (2/21/06) with our dearest loving brother Muhammad Muhaiyaddeen Sulaiman (Curis Wahlgren), a sharing that our wisdom within us, and the Truth within our wisdom, which for our age, is our dearest loving Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within us, and God within Him, and now on the "outside" of us, that His Children (may God be pleased with each of Us) have instructed this child to share with each of us, if we like, for in truth, "We are All One".  Amen.

Bawa.  That is, to share with each of the Children of God for our age, which in truth is
each of us living in this age, if we like, that is, if the true intention for the life within us,
for our soul life, is to again become "One with" God within us, befpre we die to the
flesh in our current state, but this time with an understanding of our "Oneness" so it
will never leave us again.

Bawa.  That is, to decide to do this with our life within us, rather than continuing to do
what we are currently doing in our life on the "outside' of us, which is our current state,
that is, to join with the "Word of God" for our age to awaken the wisdom surrounding
our soul, so the wisdom surrounding our soul can then do battle with the "Enemy of
our soul", which in truth is our current life of "separation and differences", of sin, of
"selfishness" on the "outside".

Bawa.  So our awakened wisdom can liberate our soul life within us, from the cross of
our elemental body, by pulling out the 5 nails of "our desire" to live on the "outside" of
us and sin, that is, "our desire" to continue living on the "outside" of us, seeing
everything as "separate from" us, which in truth is the only sin, which is our
"separation from" everyone and everything on the "outside" of us, when in truth "We
are all One" within us.  Amen.

Bawa.  And in this way, with "us" joining in partnership with God within us, to allow
this to occur within us, to allow our awakened wisdom to liberate our soul, and then to
find and become "One with" the Light of our wisdom, which in the Islamic tradition is
referred to as the Nur Muhammad, or the "Body of the soul", which is the form of
Grace within the "Secret World of Allah" within us, which is True Prayer within us, the
"Prayer of the One to the One who Is" within us, and doing all of this, or at least truly
starting to do all of this, in partnership with God within us, before we die to the flesh in
our current state.

Bawa.  At least this is certainly something to think about a little, my dearest loving brothers and sisters, Yes?

Bawa.  May all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon us all.
May God help us all.

Bawa.  My love you (anbu), my dearest loving brothers and sisters - Shaikh
Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler.

                                                                      - go to top of page
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                                                                      - go to "Longer Outline"
                                                                      - go to "Text of E-mail Version"
Note To Muhammad Muhaiyaddeen Sulaiman - after the Spiritual Chat, and as part of the E-mail to him

Bawa.  My love you (anbu), my dearest loving brother Muhammad Muhaiyaddeen Sulaiman (Curtis Wahlgren) - Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler).

Bawa.  Here is a copy of our Spiritual Chat from the other night, from 2/21/06, which was wonderful.  You had signed off by the time "We" were ready to send our last sharing, so Bawa within us, and God within Him, instructed this child to mail this copy to you.  Al-hamdu lillah. Allahu Akbar. 

Bawa.  Also, we saw your attempt to chat again tonight but only saw it after you had signed off.  So this must be how the end of our previous chat is to be sent, that is, this is how it is to reach our dearest loving brother, Muhammad Muhaiyaddeen Sulaiman, at least on the "outside" of us, that is, as an E-mail. 

Bawa.  What a wonder is this God of ours, the way that He perfectly orchestrates each of our lives within Him, and how He puts our lives together within Him, for "Maximum Benefit", if we like, for the Choice to accept our life in this way, that is, as "Perfect In Every Way", that is, as being within Him, not as being "outside" of us, and to accept what comes to us, as coming from Him within us, to Him within the Creation of God within us, in order to liberate our soul, and return it to God within us.

Bawa.  But this time with an understanding of "Our Oneness", so it will never leave us again, and to do all of this, or at least to truly start to do it, in partnership with God within us, before we die to the flesh in our current state, and "we" get an eternal hell, an eternal life as "separate from" God within us, as our lot.

Bawa.  That is, the Choice to let our soul return it to God within us, again becoming "One with" God within us, but this time with an understanding of "Our Oneness", but this time with an understanding of "Who we are", of "Who God is", and of our Relationship of 'Oneness", with us as the Witness, is most certainly our Choice, not God's.

Bawa.  Which is like the way that the Angel Gabriel (peace be upon Him) Witnessed the 6,666 Verses of the Holy Qur'an over 1400 years ago, on the "outside" of us, and must now Witness it again within each of us, that is, as coming from Muhammad (Sal.) to Muhammad (Sal.), that is, from Muhammad (Sal.) within God within us, to Muhammad (Sal.) within the Creation of God within us, that is, from the "First Muhammad (Sal.)" within us, to the "Last Muhammad (Sal.)" within us, in order to liberate our soul from our impure birth, from the "Enemy of our soul", or a least to truly start to do this within us, in partnership with God within us, before we die to the flesh in our current state and get an eternal hell of "separation from" as our lot, as our reward, all of which in truth is our current life, both within us, and on the "outside" of us.  Al-hamdu lillah.  Allahu Akbar. Amen.

Bawa.  Here is a copy of our last Spiritual Chat, Spiritual Chat 246, on 2/21/06, which "We" have given the "Short Title" of:,

          "Learning How to Become Alone, Hungry, and Awake,
                    Before We Set Out To Pray"

                                                                      - go to top of page
Expanded Title - of Spiritual Chat 247

Bawa.  And that "We" have given the "Expanded Title" of:

          "Learning How To Become Alone, Hungry, and Awake,
          Before We Set Out To Pray,
          Realizing That In Truth Only God Can Pray To God,
          That Only God Can Feed Our Hungry Soul,
          Allowing It To Return To Him".

          "That is, If We Will Only Let Him,
          If We Will Only Let Him Be Alone Again Within Us,
          If We Will Only Let Him Awaken From His Dream Within Us,
          Of Us Living On The "Outside" of Us In Our Current State,
          If We Will Only Be Truly Done With Our Current State,
          And Tell Him So, With Every Breath."

          "Allowing Us To Become Silent On The "Outside" of Us,
          So God Can Speak From Within Us,
          As The "Word of God" For Our Age,
          For The "Children of God" For Our Age, If We Like."

          "Which In Truth Is Each of Us Living In This Age, If We Like,
          If The "True Intention" For The Life Within Us, For Our Soul Life,
          Is To Again Become "One With" God Within Us,
          Before We Die To The Flesh In Our Current State,
          And Get An Eternal Hell of "Separation From" As Our Reward,
          For The Choice To Do This With Our Life, Or Not,
          To Again Become "One With" God Within Us,
          Is Most Certainly Our Choice, Not God's."

          "If We Will Only Be Truly Done With Our Current State
          Of Trying To Live On The "Outside" of Us, So We Can Sin,
          So We Can Continue Living As "Separate From" God Within Us,
          Which In Truth Is Our Only Sin,
          Which In Truth Is What Prevents True Prayer To God,
          From Naturally Happening Within Us,
          Our Current State of Trying To Live On The "Outside" of Us,
          As If We Are "Separate From" God Within Us,
          All of Which Is Not True."

          "Our Current State On The "Outside" of Us,
          In Ignorance of What Is Truly Within Us,
          And of Why In The First Place,
          We Have Come To This Earth World Within Us,
          Which Is To Learn About Who We "Already Are",
          And Having So Learned,
          In Partnership With God Within us, To Leave,
          Before We "Die To The Flesh In Our Current State",
          And Get An Eternal Hell of "Separation From" As Our Reward."

          "To Join In Partnership With God Within Us,
          To Do This With Our Life Within Us,
          To Let It Return To God Within Us,
          Before It Is Too Late,
          Not To Continue Trying To Live Here,
          As "Separate From" God Within Us,
          As "Separate From" Each Other,
          And As "Separate From" The Creation of God Within Us,
          All of Which Is Not True".

          "As Some of Us Are Now Trying To Do,
          In Our Ignorance,
          And In Our Arrogance About Our Ignorance,"
          But All of Which Is Not True."

Bawa.  Enjoy.  Al-hamdu lillah. Allahu Akbar.  Amen.

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Outline & Summary - of "E-mail Version" of Spiritual Chat 247

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                                                                      - go to "Text of E-mail Version"
"Brief Outline" - of Spiritual Chat 247 (Pages 03 only)
                                                                      - go to Next Page of "Brief Outline"
Introduction - to Spiritual Chat 247
Note To Muhammad Muhaiyaddeen Sulaiman - after the Spiritual Chat, and as part of the E-mail to him

D.  Additional Comments "About" - From within the heart of God for our age, from within the Heart of the Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with each of Us), for example, from within the heart of this little child, living at the feet of God for our age
D-2.  The True Value of "Work" Is Learning - The "True Value of Work" is not "what we do" on the "outside" of us, but rather is "what we are learning" within us
         Quotation From His Holiness - from the book, "A Mystical Journey"
D-3.  "Who We Are" And "Who We Are Not" - And "Who we are" is what is "within God" within us, and "Who we are not" is what has grown within us, in our ignorance
D-4.  The Affirmation of the "Truth of God" Within Us - that in truth  "I don't exist" as "separate from" God within us, but "God exists" as "One with" the Creation of God within us
                                                                      - go to Previous Page of "Brief Outline"
                                                                      - go to "Longer Outline"
D-5.  The Affirmation of the "Truth of Man" Within Us - that in truth "God Is One", and "So are We", if we truly realize and accept that in truth "We exist" as the "Seed of True Man" within the "Seed of God' within the Creation of God, as "God's Story"
D-6.  Establishing The "Presence of God" Within Us - Is the only cure of us, and of God within us, the only cure of the dream, and of the dreamer, that is for sure
D-7.  Everyone Is "Arguing" With God - because they want God and Themselves to be different from what He and They really are, which is "Oneness"
D-8.  "Changing Places" With God Within Us - by convincing God to "Change Places" within us, so He can then "Use Us" to finish what He has started within us, a very long time ago, which is to reveal God to God within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us
D-9.  We Currently "Only Want" The World - not wisdom, and not God
D-10.  The Point of Our Life - is to use "God to get to God" within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us. Amen.
E.  Closing Comments - may we join in partnership with God, to share this sharing

                                                                      - go to top of page
                                                                      - go to "Longer Outline"
                                                                      - go to "Text of E-mail Version"
"Longer Outline" - of Spiritual Chat 247 (Pages 03 only)
                                                                      - go to Next Page of "Longer Outline"
Introduction - to Spiritual Chat 247
Note To Muhammad Muhaiyaddeen Sulaiman - after the Spiritual Chat, and as part of the E-mail to him

D.  Additional Comments About - From within the heart of God for our age, from within the Heart of the Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with each of Us), for example, from within the heart of this little child, living at the feet of God for our age
D-1.  How Is My Soul? - In truth "Our Soul" is "Hungry", and only God can feed it, once "He is Alone", and "We are Awake", that is, once we let Him awaken from His dream within us, His dream of "us", of "us" living on the "outside" of us, as if we are "separate from" Him within us, all of which is not true, once we join with Him against the "Enemy of our soul", which is our current life and state on the "outside" of us
D-2.  The True Value of "Work" Is Learning - The "True Value of Work" is not as "what we do" on the "outside" of us, but rather as "what we are learning" within us
          Quotation From His Holiness - from the book of wisdom, "A Mystical Journey"
D-3.  "Who We Are" And "Who We Are Not" - And "Who we are" is what is "within God" within us, and "Who we are not" is what has grown within us, which in our ignorance, and in our arrogance about our ignorance, we currently see as existing on the "outside" of us, and this "Contrast" between these two provides the understanding that we have come here to learn
                                                                      - go to Previous Page of "Longer Outline"
                                                                      - go to Next Page of "Longer Outline"
D-4.  The Affirmation of the "Truth of God"  Within Us - Which is that "I don't exist" as "separate from" God within us, but that in truth, God exists as "One with" me within us, that is, God exists as "One" within the Creation of God within us, and
"So can We", if we like, that is, if we will only Let Him Walk that Path within us
D-5.  The Affirmation of the "Truth of Man" Within Us - Which is, that in truth "God Is One" within the Creation of God within us, and "So are We", because "We are One Within God" within us, and as such, "We are True Man" within Him, allowing Him to become "One within Us" again, allowing Him to create that Path again, if He likes
D-6.  Establishing The "Presence of God" Within Us - Is the only cure of us, and of God within us, the only cure of the dream, and of the dreamer, that is for sure
D-7.  Everyone Is "Arguing" With God - And in truth no one is ever arguing with us, because in truth they want God to be different from what He really is, which is "Oneness", and even worse, they want themselves, and all of us, to be different from what in truth we really are, which is also "Oneness"
                                                                      - go to Previous Page of "Longer Outline"
                                                                      - go to "Text of E-mail Version"
D-8.  "Changing Places" With God Within Us - For if we truly want to reach God, we must convince Him to "Change Places" within us, we must convince Him that we are "truly done" with what He has given us, so He can then "use it" to finish what He has started within us, a very, very long time ago
D-9.  We Currently "Only Want" The World - not wisdom, and not God, for in truth the world only wants the world, not wisdom or God, and only wisdom wants wisdom, and only God wants God, and we have "All Three", and "All Three" truly define "who we are", and "where we are", and "what is happening" to us, not just the world that we have opened in our ignorance, and in our arrogance about our ignorance
D-10.  The Point of Our Life - is to use "God to get to God" within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us.  Amen.
E.  Closing Comments - may we both join with Bawa within us, and with God within Him, to share this sharing with all of our dearest loving brothers and sisters, as much as we can, as ofter as we can.  Amen

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Text of E-mail Version - of Spiritual Chat 247 (continued from Page 2)

                                                                      - go to "Brief Outline"
                                                                      - go to "Longer Outline"
D.  Additional Comments About - From within the heart of our God for our age, from within the Heart of the Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with each of Us), for example, from within the heart of this little child, living at the feet of God for our age, which for our age is the life and teaching of our dear Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within us, and of God within Him, and now on the outside of us, is the feet of His Children, is the feet of the Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with each of Us), which is each of us living in this age, if we like, that is, if the true intention for our life within us, is to again become "One with" God within us, before we die to the flesh in our current state, but this time with an understanding of "Our Oneness" so it will never leave us again


Bawa.  Al-hamdu lillah. Allahu Akbar.

Bawa.  Here are some "Additional Comments" resonating within our heart, that Bawa within us, and God within Him, instructed this child to share at this time:

                                                                      - go to "Brief Outline"
                                                                      - go to "Longer Outline"
D-1.  How Is My Soul? - In truth "Our Soul" is "Hungry", and only God can feed it, once "He is Alone", and "We are Awake", that is, once we let Him awaken from His dream within us, His dream of "us", of "us" living on the "outside" of us, as if we are "separate from" Him within us, all of which is not true, once we join with Him against the "Enemy of our soul", which is our current life and state on the "outside" of us

Bawa.  You say, my dearest loving brother Muhammad Muhaiyaddeen Sulaiman, when asked, "How is your soul?", the following:

          "That is a much more interesting question. I don't think that this child can answer
          that question with any assurance of giving an accurate representation of the state
          of my soul. From the limited wisdom of this child I would have to say that my soul
          is perfect as it was when God created it and as it always is."

Bawa.  But this is not so, this is not true, my dearest loving brother Muhammad Muhaiyaddeen Sulaiman, this is most certainly not so, for our soul is not, as you say,

          "Perfect as it was when God created it and as it always is."

Bawa.  Let us say the word "Bawa", establishing the "Presence of God" within us, within our wisdom within us, and place this truth at the feet of our Shaikh, of our dear Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within us, and of God within Him, and now at the feet of His Children (may God be pleased with each of Us), if we like, and try to listen with our faith, certitude, and our determination in God within us, that is, with what in the Islamic tradition is called Iman, to Their discussion of this truth within us, if we like, for the Choice to do this or not with our life, that is, to use Them in this way within us, or not, that is, to become truly successful in our lifetime, or not, is most certainly our Choice, not God's.  Amen.

BawaFirst, when God created our soul, He immediately called it back to Him, but it would not return, because it was afraid, because in its ignorance of "Who it is", of "Where it is", and of "What is happening" to it, it was afraid, afraid of the "Great Big Light" that was calling this "Little Light" back into itself, and quivered, like a ripple in a pond when a pebble is thrown in the middle of it.

BawaSecond, in the "World of souls", which is where we were before coming to this "Earth World", God tried to teach us, to teach the soul life within us, about "Who we are", about 'Where we are", and about "What is happening" to us, but "We could not get it", we could not understand the explanation, because we had no "Contrast", for understanding only comes from contrast, and we were purity trying to learn about purity, and without the "contrast to purity" we could not understand purity.

Bawa.  So God created the "School of Contrast" within us, and sent us there, which is the "First" of God's Schools within us, where we learn about what is "separating us" from God within us, and that is where we have come, to the "School of Contrast" within us, but on the way we got caught in the drama of the world of illusion on the "outside" of us, and that is where we currently are, still on our way to the "School of Contrast" within us, for there is no "contrast" in the dream of "separation and differences" on the "outside" of us, there is no heaven and hell, or good and evil, on the "outside" of us, it is just the dream or drama of "I and you", of "mine and yours", which is really going on within us.

Bawa.  The dream or drama within us that in our ignorance, and in our arrogance about our ignorance, we only currently see as existing on the "outside" of us, but which in truth is within us, as the lives of darkness and evil that have grown within us, in our ignorance, and in our arrogance about our ignorance, and which now rule over us as the 9 opening of the body, with "God's Permission", that is, until we "See God and Steady God" within us, allowing God to then "Cure Himself of us", of "us" living on the "outside" of us, as if we are "separate from" God within us, all of which is not true.

Bawa.  So in this way, my dearest loving brother Muhammad Muhaiyaddeen Sulaiman (may God be pleased with Him), our soul is not pure, is no longer pure, is no longer what you said, that is, is no longer,

          "Perfect as it was when God created it and as it always is."

Bawa.  Because we have taken on an "Impure Birth", because we have become the
"Enemy of the soul".

Bawa.  This is why our dear Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within us, and God within us, teach us for our age, and now on the "outside" of us, why His Children (may God be pleased with each of Us) are teaching us right now, in this Spiritual Chat, to say the following prayers to God, each day, upon rising in the morning, and before going to bed at night,

          1)  "I trust you always, O Gurunathar (Guru who guides). Make my soul pure in
                    this impure birth, and make it shine. Grant me the grace of the Holy One."
          2) "Oh my Father, my Shaikh, my Guru, I need Your love, please, please, please
                    destroy me, (and reveal You).
          3)  (more to come

[Note:  The first prayer is from "Chapter 19" (www.spiritualbook002chap19.homestead.
com), in the beautiful book of wisdom, "The Pearl of Wisdom", (www.ThePearlOf  The second prayer is from a discourse by His Holiness,
Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen
(may God be pleased with Him) within us, and by God within Him, given to us in 1972, to a brother from California, who had a group of disciples, a brother who His Holiness gave the name Shaikh Hamid (the Praiseworthy), and told him to recite this pray every day.  Amen]

Bawa.  And this is why His Holiness, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within us, and God within us, teach us for our age, and now on the "outside" of us, why His Children (may God be pleased with each of Us) are teaching us right now, in this Spiritual Chat, are reminding us right now, of what His Holiness told us one day, told us "In-the-room",

          "I have not come for you, I have come for your soul, to awaken the wisdom
          surrounding your soul, so that the wisdom surrounding your soul can do battle
          with the "Enemy of your soul".

Bawa.  And when this child, this child Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler) heard His Holiness say this, we has Him,

          "Bawa, who is the Enemy of my soul?"

Bawa.  And Bawa look right at this child and said,

          "You are".

Bawa.  And finally, why His Holiness told this child, one day while riding my bicycle to the Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Fellowship, to tell the Children of the Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Fellowship, that we should,

          "To stop fighting with our Shaikh for our soul."

                                                                      - go to "Brief Outline"
                                                                      - go to "Longer Outline"
D-2The True Value of "Work" Is Learning - The "True Value of Work" is not as "what we do" on the "outside" of us, but rather as "what we are learning" within us, that is, as the stage of drama, the play of drama on the "outside" of us, that we can watch, sitting on God's lap within us, as Bawa within us, as our wisdom, teaches us through the drama, through the play on the "outside" of us, about who we "Already are" within us, which in truth is the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us, if we like, for the Choice to do this with our life, or not, is our Choice, not God's

Bawa.  My dearest brothers Muhammad Muhaiyaddeen Sulaiman, we must understand the difference between "True Work" and what we are currently doing in the name of "work", and "True Learning" and what we are currently doing in the name of "learning", and stop the one, and begin the other, before it is too late in our life to do so, and we die to the flesh in our current state, and an eternal hell of "separation from" becomes our lot.

Bawa.  For the "True Value of Work" is not as "what we do" on the "outside" of us, but rather as "what we are learning" within us, that is, as the stage of drama, the play of drama, that we can watch, sitting on God's lap within us, as Bawa within us teaches us through the drama, through the play within us, about who we "Already are", if we like, for the Choice to do this with our life, or not, is our Choice, not God's,

Bawa.  That is, the Choice to sit in the audience with God and with our wisdom within us, and learn from Them within us, or to try to get on the stage on the "outside" of us, and try to participate in the drama, and show off "Who we really are not", and in the process, not really learn about anything of value for our true life, for our soul, is most certainly our Choice, not God's.

Bawa.  For in truth all true learning comes from within us, in partnership with God within us, not as "us" interacting with what we see in our ignorance, and in our arrogance about our ignorance, with what we see as existing in the illusory "outside" of  us.

Bawa.  For in truth, we are not the student, we are the school, and having realized this, we must invite the true student within us, which is our soul life, our 6th life, liberated from our elemental body, by our awakened wisdom, and joined as "One with" our awakened wisdom, to come to the school within us, and learn.

Bawa.  But to do this we must first make our mind sit down within us, by allowing our wisdom to stand up within us, by calling our wisdom to come out of its place within us, which is a place of purity within us, no bigger than an atom, and into our mind within us, which is currently a place of impurity within us, which is currently our place within us, by calling our wisdom within us, which for our age, is calling out the name
"Bawa", or "Bawa Muhaiyaddeen" or "Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen" (may God be pleased with Him), before we "Say or do" or write anything.

Bawa.  In this way, establishing the "Presence of God" within us, within our wisdom within us, allowing God to then "Cure Himself of us", of "us" living on the "outside" of us, as if we are "separate from" God within us, all of which is not true, which in truth is the only "True Learning".  Amen.

Bawa.  My dearest loving brother Muhammad Muhaiyaddeen Sulaiman, work on the "outside" of us is a dream, and as such, as "God's Dream" within us, it is still a grace and a blessing, but we must realize, without the slightest doubt, that work is not "what we do" on the "outside" of us, but rather, work is "what we are learning" from within us, that is, while the dream, the drama is going on, on the "outside" of us, which in truth is "God sleeping" on the "outside" of us, while God is awakening within us, for in truth "There is nothing other than God' within us. 

Bawa.  All of it is His, and all of it serves what He is doing within us, which is revealing God to God within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us, that is, all of it serves to complete His intention within us, which is that "No Child Be Left Behind", no matter what, whether we know it or not, and even whether we like or want it or not, for in truth, "It is really the only Game in Town".  Amen.

                                                                      - go to "Brief Outline"
                                                                      - go to "Longer Outline"
Quotation From His Holiness - from the book of wisdom, "A Mystical Journey"

Bawa.  For example, as our dear Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within us, and as God within Him, teach us for our age, and now on the "outside" of us, His Children (may God be pleased with each of Us) are teaching us right now, in this Spiritual Chat, the following,

--- Beginning of Quotation from "Introduction" to book, "A Mystical Journey" ----

"The earth-fire-water-air-ether mind is always sleeping. That mind is not really the person.

And these mystical experiences are not known through that mind, but rather through wisdom, the soul, and the grace of God, which together fly round and round looking at the cities of illusion and at the wondrous cities of God.

They discover the secrets of those cities and uncover layer after layer of explanations, of what is right and what is wrong, what is illusion and what is truth. They determine which water is good, and which is poisonous, which will give the good taste, and which will give the bad taste.

Thus wisdom, the soul, and the grace of God inquire into everything. and facing each directly they conclude,

          "This is what the seven hells are, and these are the eight heavens."

Then they ask,

          "What do these eight heavens mean? What do they signify?"

Now, heaven and hell look the same, but their taste is different. Hell might appear to be resplendent, but once you see the light of truth, hell disappears. As long as there is no truth, hell shines in its own light, but we shouldn't accept that as the true light.

A man who doesn't know what gold is, might think that copper is gold, or all that glitter is gold. But a wise man will test it. First he will rub the metal against a stone, and then drop some acid over it. If it is real gold it will not be marred, but if it is not, it will dissolve under that acid.

Like this, when the wisdom of the soul, and the essence of truth pick up something, they first rub it on a testing stone, and then pour the acid of wisdom over it. Whatever dissolves is false. Whatever stays without disappearing is true.

----- End of Quotation from "Introduction" to book, "A Mystical Journey" -----

[Note: This is a quotation from the "Introduction" to the beautiful book of wisdom,
"A Mystical Journey" ( by our dear Father,
Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen
(may God be pleased with Him) within us, and by God within Him), and no now on the "outside" of us, by His
Children (may God be pleased with each of Us).  To access an on-line version of the "Introduction" as well as some of the Chapters in this book, please click above or
.  Once there, click on "Introduction".  Thank you.  Enjoy.  Al-hamdu lillah.  Allahu Akbar.  Amen]

Bawa.  In this way, work is the stage of drama on the "outside" of us, that allows us to sit on God's lap within us, and Choose, Choose what we want for eternity, either an eternal life as "One with" God within us, or an eternal life as "separate from" God within us, for the Choice is ours, not God's, while Bawa or wisdom within us conducts the drama within us, that we are seeing in our ignorance, and in our arrogance about our ignorance, as existing on the "outside" of us.

Bawa.  That is, while Bawa or wisdom within us teaches us "what we do not know", if we like, as long as we keep trying to "watch the drama" from within us, and not just try to "participate in it" on the "outside" of  us, even when it seems that we are participating, not watching, all of which is just fine, which is Ok, with us joining in partnership with God within us, whenever we can, as often as we can, to pull us out of the drama on the "outside" of us, and to sit in the audience and watch the drama, the play from within us, with God within us, that is, with Bawa within us, and with God within Him, whenever we can, as often as we can.

Bawa.  For in truth, this is what it means that,

          "Life is the victory of wisdom reason over our fate."

Bawa.  Doing all of this in partnership with God within us, with the realization that in truth we have not yet really learned anything, but that we have started to correct our intention, for example, that we have set our intention to hand everything that comes in the course of the day over to Bawa within us, and to God within Him, for in truth all that we currently have is the dream, is the ego, is the arrogance, karma, and illusion, mind and desire, that God has give to us as His dream, and that "we" in our ignorance have allowed to open and come to maturity within us, in our ignorance, and in our arrogance about our ignorance, sort of like weeds growing within "God's Beautiful Flower Garden".

Bawa.  Which is like story of the work of a little child, who not knowing what to do with a ton of dirt that is delivered to his house, a ton of dirt that his father ordered from the store for a Beautiful Flower Garden, lets the weeds grow within it, thinking that they are flowers, but that is Ok, for that is what little children do.

Bawa.  And if we now join in partnership with God within us we can learn from all of what we have done in our ignorance, and in our arrogance about our ignorance, if we like, for all of it can be used properly or not properly, the Choice is ours, not God's, for we can learn to join with God within us, with our Father, to transform our "weed garden" into "God's Beautiful Flower Garden", if we like.

Bawa.  That is, to transform the "wild jungle" that has grown within our heart, into "God's Beautiful Flower Garden" within our heart, by first transforming it into the "Palace of the soul" within us, into the "House of wisdom" within us, into the house of
Qutb Muhaiyaddeen Abdul-Qadir al-Jilani
(may God be pleased with Him) within us, and then into the "Kingdom of God within us, all of which we can do within us, if we will come to know our current station, that is, and just stop trying to act as if we "Are the Farmer", and realize, understand, and accept, that in truth, instead "We are the earth".

Bawa.  For the most important thing for a disciple to know, is "His current station", for if he thinks that he is an apple tree ready to bear fruit, but in truth he is still an apple seed buried within the earth, ready to germinate, then nothing that he does in his life, even in his spiritual life, from this incorrect perspective, will be appropriate for his station, and will there for be of no value, which in his case, will not cause the apple seed to germinate.

Bawa.  However, if we do come to correctly realize our current state, our current station, that in truth "We are the earth", and within that, that we are the "Seed of God" buried within the Creation of God, ready to germinate.

Bawa.  And "As the earth", we realize that a "wild jungle", a "wild forest" has grown within us, in our heart within us, in our ignorance, and in our arrogance about our ignorance, and that there is a Farmer, a Farmer of God who we can invite into our "wild forest", into our heart, and ask Him to transform our heart into the "Palace of the soul", into the "House of wisdom", into the house of Qutb Muhaiyaddeen Abdul-Qadir al-Jilani (may God be pleased with Him), then what we do in our life to transform our heart, and to plant and germinate the "Seed of God" within us, will be of great value in our life, to our soul life, to our 6th life.

Bawa.  Allowing God to then, if we like, to further transform our heart into the "Kingdom of God" within us, and then into the "Place of True Prayer" within us, the "Prayer of the One to the One who Is" within us, if we like, for the Choice to use our life in this way, or not, that is, to transform it into, in partnership with God within us, into what God created it to be used for, is our Choice, not God's, that is, to transform our heart into what God needs to completes what He is doing within us, which is to reveal God to God within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us, in order to complete His intention within us, which is that, "No Child Be Left Behind".  Amen.

Bawa.  And in this way, for "us" to let God deal with the current condition of our heart within us, to deal with all of the "Things currently living within us", which in truth are all of the "Things currently living within Him" within us, once we convince God, through our actions on the "outside" of us, that in truth, it is He who exists within us, not us, and it is He who needs curing, not us, and that His cure is God within us, which in truth is the only cure for our/His illness, which is God within us, and all of the things that God has grown within Himself, and all of the things that God is doing with all of the things living "within God" within us, which is revealing God to God within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us.

                                                                      - go to "Brief Outline"
                                                                      - go to "Longer Outline"
D-3.  "Who We Are" And "Who We Are Not" - And "Who we are" is what is "within God" within us, and "Who we are not" is what has grown within us, which in our ignorance, and in our arrogance about our ignorance, we currently see as existing on the "outside" of us, and this "Contrast" between these two provides the understanding that we have come here to learn

Bawa.  My dearest loving brother Muhammad Muhaiyaddeen Sulaiman, we need to understand the true meaning of "Who we are", and the true meaning of "Who we are not", for only then can our life move forward, for in truth this is how we learn about the "Wealth of the Three Worlds" within us, which in the Islamic tradition is referred to as the "Mubarakat of God".

Bawa.  In this way, "Who we are" is what is "within God" within us, and "Who we are not" is what has grown within us, which in our ignorance, and in our arrogance about our ignorance, we currently see as existing on the "outside" of us, and this "Contrast" between these two provides the understanding that we have come here to learn.

Bawa.  And this is where we have truly come, not to the "outside" of us, but to the inside of us, that is, to the "First" of God's Schools within us, in the "School of Contrast" within us, which in truth is "who we are" and is "who we are not".

Bawa.  That is, we have come to the "School of Contrast" within us to learn about Everything that now "separates us" from God within us, and then leave, and go to the "Next" of God's Schools within us, to the "School of Light" within us, where God will personally teach us about God within us, and about True Man within God within us,

Bawa.  That is, to learn and then to leave, not to try and continue to live here as some of us now think, which is like "building a house on a bridge", that is, to then leave as the "Palace of the soul", as the "House of wisdom", as the house of Qutb Muhaiyaddeen Abdul-Qadir al-Jilani (may God be pleased with Him), as the 6th level of wisdom within us, as the wisdom that teaches, analyzes, and controls everything within us, as the "Essence of Everything".

Bawa.  Ad to do this before we die to the flesh in our current state, in our current state of being Everything, that is, in our current state of being "Attached to Everything", which has become the "Ocean of our suffering" within us, and that after we die to the flesh in our current state, gradually becomes an eternal hell of "separation and differences" within us, of "separation from" God within us, when we realize what we have done with our life within us, we have "separate ourselves" from God within us, from the "truth of us", and from the "truth of God within us, because or our attachments to "Pleasure"

Bawa.  And all of the things that have grown within God within us, is in truth "Who we are", and all of the things that have grown within us, in our ignorance and in our arrogance about our ignorance, is "Who we aren't", and the contrast is the understanding that we have come here to learn.  Amen.

Bawa.  And all of the things within God are things like His grace, wisdom, and 'ilm, like His Triple Flame, which is His Power, His Essence, and His Everything, and "His Seed" which is the "Seed of God happening" within His Creation within Him, and within that "Seed of God", is the "Seed of True Man", which is the "Seed of True Man happening" within the "Seed of God happening" within the Creation of God, and the "Water of God" for that Seed, to allow it to germinate and reveal the "Tree of God" growing within the Creation of God, and within that reveal the "Fruit of God" growing within the "Tree of God, the "Water of God" which is the affirmation of the "Truth of God" and of "True Man" within God, that in truth, "They are One", and now,our age, "So are We", if we like, because now, "We can all fly".

                                                                      - go to "Brief Outline"
                                                                      - go to "Longer Outline"
D-4The Affirmation of the "Truth of God"  Within Us - Which is that
"I don't exist" as "separate from" God within us, but that in truth, God exists as "One with" me within us, that is, God exists as "One" within the Creation of God within us, and "So can We", if we like, that is, if we will only "Let Him Walk that Path" within us

Bawa.  The affirmation of the "Truth of God" within the "Creation of God" within us, which in the Islamic tradition is referred to in the following way: as

          Ill Allahu,
          Muhammadar Rasul Allah",

Bawa.  Which can be interpreted as,

                    "There is nothing other than You,
          Ill Allahu,
                    You are Allah,
          Muhammadar Rasul Allah", 
                    And Muhammad (Sal.) Is The Messenger of God".
                    (Muhammad (Sal.) is "True Man happening" within "God happening" within
                    the Creation of God, Muhammad (Sal.) Is the "Fruit of God happening"
                    within the"Tree of God happening" within The Creation of God), and as such,
                    Muhammad (Sal.) is the Path or Religion of God, and Its Seal, Its Sweet

                                                                      - go to "Brief Outline"
                                                                      - go to "Longer Outline"
D-5The Affirmation of the "Truth of Man" Within Us - Which is, that in truth "God Is One" within the Creation of God within us, and "So are We", because "We are One Within God" within us, and as such, "We are True Man" within Him, allowing Him to become "One within Us" again, allowing Him to create that Path again, if He likes

Bawa.  And now in our age, the affirmation of the "Truth of True Man" within the "Truth of God", which has grown within the heart of the Children of God for our age, within the
Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen
(may God be pleased with each of Us), which in truth is each of us living in this age, if we like, that is, if the true intention for our life within us, for our soul life, is to again become "One with" God within us, before we do to the flesh in our current state, and get an eternal hell of "separation from" God as our lot.

Bawa.  For example, as it has appeared within the heart of this child over the last 30 years, within the heart of Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler), which is the name that our dear Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within us, and God within Him, gave to this child, in 1980, in Ceylon, after 2 weeks of devotion at the feet of His Holiness, after visiting the "First" Shrine of
Bawa Muhaiyaddeen
(Ral.) in Jaffna, Sri Lanka, which is build over the grave site of the Virgin Mary (peace be upon Her), the Mother of Jesus (peace be upon Him), who appeared in the world over 2000 years ago, as the "First Step" in the  "Judgment and Salvation" for the last age.

Bawa.  The Affirmation of the "Truth of True Man" within the "Truth of God", for our age, which in truth is already the hereafter, which in the Islamic tradition is referred to as Akhirah, is already the "hereafter, here and now, whether we know it or not, and even whether we like it or not, if we like, for the Choice to take advantage of this reality of each of us, that  is, of becoming "One with" God within us, is most certainly our Choice, not God's doing it before we die to the flesh in our current state, getting an eternal hell of "separation from" as our lot, and doing it before at least one of us destroys the "outside", for all of us, which is a very real possibility for our age, forever losing the chance to do it.

Bawa.  The Affirmation of the "Truth of True Man", within the "Truth of God" within us, which can be interpreted as follows:

(Bawa)  Ill Allahu - You are Allah.
          (You are God within us).
(Bawa)  La ilaha - There is nothing other than Allah.
          (There is nothing other than God within us).
(Bawa)  Muhammad Mustafa Rasul (Sal.) -
          Muhammad (Sal.) Is The Chosen Messenger of God.
          [Muhammad (Sal.) as "True Man happening" within "God happening" within the
          Creation of God within us, is the "Seed of True Man" within the "Seed of
          God" within the Creation of God within us, and as such, is the Chosen
          Messenger of God within us (Blessing and peace be upon Him).  All of which is
          the "Chosen Way" of God within us, is the "Way" Chosen by God within us, to
          complete what God has started within each of us, a very, very long time ago,
          which in the Christian tradition is referred to as God "Making Straight The Way
          of the Lord" within us, and in the Islamic tradition, is referred to as God
          "Providing us with the Straight Path" within us, and is also seen as the Prophet
          of God "Placing the Seal" on The One True Religion or Path of God within us).
(Bawa)  You are True Man
          (That is, You are "God happening again" within us but this time within "True Man"
          within God within us, and as such, You are the "Seed of God" within the "Seed of
          True Man" within God within us, for as the tree is connected to the earth, the fruit
          is only connected to the tree, and as God is connected to the Creation of God,
          True Man is only connected to God)
(Bawa)  He is One
          (Since in truth, there is nothing "outside" of us, and in truth "Only God exists"
          within us, and in truth "There is nothing other than God" within us, and in truth
          "God is One" within us, then in truth, God is "Everything ready to happen again",
          and within that is the "Essence of Everything ready to happen again", and within
          that is the "Power within the Essence of Everything ready to happen again", that
          is, once "Everything has returned to Essence, and all Essence has returned to
          the Power", having completed its duty, like the rain falling back into the ocean,
          from which it came, having completed its duty, no longer existing as the rain, as
          "separate from" the ocean, for in truth God is the "Power within the Essence of
          Everything", that is, after the "Last happening of Everything", and after the "Last
          happening of the Essence", and the "Last happening of the Power", that is, after
          all that is left is God, and "No Child Has Been Left Behind".  Amen.

Bawa.  And "within God" within us are also His 124,000 Heavenly Being, Prophets, and Lights of God, which are reflections of True Man or Manu-eesan or "Man-the-divine" or "Man-the-high" within God, which if properly applied to our illness allows us to become more and more content, and more and more peaceful, and more and more trusting in God within us, with whatever comes, and with whatever goes. For we can do that much, right?

                                                                      - go to "Brief Outline"
                                                                      - go to "Longer Outline"
D-6.  Establishing The "Presence of God" Within Us - Is the only cure of us, and of God within us, the only cure of the dream, and of the dreamer, that is for sure

Bawa.  And when we say the word "Bawa", establishing the "Presence of God" within us, then God can start to "Cure Himself of the us", of "us" living on the "outside" of
us, as if we are "separate from" God within us, all of which is not true.   And we can do that, if we like, right?

Bawa.  Realizing that when the "I" within us goes to try and deal with something, as if we are "separate from" God within us, that this causes God to stay in His dream, and causes us to stay "as His dream", where He is dreaming of Himself, living on the "outside" of Himself, as if He is "separate from" Himself within Himself.  What a wonder is this God our ours, to create such a beautifully simple yet magnificent duality, between God and Himself, so if we like, He can join in partnership with God within Himself, so God can end it, if we like, with "No Child Left Behind", if we like, that is, for the Choice to end the duality within us, to end all "separation from" within us, or not, is our Choice, not God's.

Bawa.  That is, the Choice to end our separation from ourselves within us, from the
true Creation of God
within us, which is "Everything" that is "within God" within us, to end our separation from God within us, and God's separation from us within Him, which is "True Prayer" within us, and to end God's separation from Himself within us, from what is "within True Man" within Him within us, or not, is our Choice, not God's. 

Bawa.  Realizing that "we" have a very important but very different kind of work to do within "Us", than what "we" are currently trying to do on the "outside" of "us", and that is to bring "God into Presence" within "Us", for the benefit of all of the Creation of God living within "Us", so "We" can "Pass Judgment" upon them within "Us", so "We" can make them Complete within "Us", if they like, before we die to the flesh in our current state.

Bawa.  And in this way, allowing God to come and do what must be done within "Us",  that only God can do within us, in partnership with"Us" within us, which is what is "within God" within us, that is, both with all that "we" are currently experiencing on the "outside" of "us", that is really within us, as the lives of darkness and evil that have grown within us, in our ignorance, and in our arrogance about our ignorance, and with all that "we" are not presently experiencing within "Us", which is Everything "within God" within us, but which is also there, and doing this, that is, living this way within us, not through our knowing, or through our understanding on the "outside" of us, but rather through our faith and trust, and our love for God within us, that is, through our realizing, without the slightest doubt, "Our Oneness", no matter what, .  Amen. 

Bawa.  That is, no matter what we may be currently experiencing and thinking and doing and saying on the "outside" of us, rejecting it all, with each breath, as false, saying to God within us, with each breath, with each look, starting each "saying" by invoking our wisdom, and God within our wisdom, in order to establish the "Presence of God" within us, saying,

          1)  (Bawa)  You are God
          2)  (Bawa)  There is nothing other than You
          3)  (Bawa)  Without You, there is not other help, because "I do not exist"
          4)  (Bawa)  You are with me, be inside my heart
          5)  (Bawa)  Do not be separated from me

Bawa.  For then, in this way, and only in this way, when "we" have convinced God within us, that we are truly done with the dream within us, with the dream of "us" living on the "outside" of "us", as if we are "separate from" God within us, all of which is not true, then God within us will truly awaken from His dream within us, and our awakened wisdom will liberate our soul, which is Moses (peace be upon Him) within us having spoken to God within us, ready to lead His People to the "Promised Land" within us.

Bawa.  And then our awakened wisdom within us, joined as "One with" our liberated soul, which is Jesus (peace be upon Him) within us having gotten off of "His Cross" within us, is Jesus (peace be upon Him) within us having "risen from the dead" within us, will go in search of and merge as "One with" the "Nur" within us, which is Muhammad (blessing and peace be upon Him) within us, which is the light of our wisdom, the 8 heaven within us, the purified heart within us, or Alhamd within us, the "body of the soul" within us, as "True Prayer" within us, the "Prayer of the One to the One who Is" within us, allowing our soul to gradually disappear back into God within us, and when it does, "We will be within it", as the Witness, if we like.

Bawa.  That is, if we like, for the Choice to use our life in this way, to allow our soul to again become "One with" God within us, or at least to truly start to, in partnership with God within us, before we die to the flesh in our currernt state, in our current state of "separation from" on the "outside" of us, and get an eternal hell of "separation from" God within us as our lot, after our physical death, is most certainly our Choice, not God's
Bawa.  And in this way, if we like, and only in this way, allowing all that has become "separate from" God within us, to move back into God within us, if they like, becoming again what is "within Him" within us, if they like, becoming again what God is doing with what is "within Him" within us, if they like, which is revealing God to God within "Us", for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within "Us", and "We will be within it", as the Witness, if we like. Amen.

Bawa.  And in this way, "We" can all exist as "One" within God within us, in the state of being "Alone, hungry, and awake" within God within us, having allowed God to establish "True Prayer" within us, the "Prayer of the One to the One who Is" within us.

Bawa.  And in this way, and only in this way, God will make our life truly successful in our lifetime, when we join in partnership with God within us,

          "To allow our wisdom to reason over our fate".  Amen.

Bawa.  So my dearest loving brother Muhammad Muhaiyaddeen Sulaiman, whatever comes, whether it be our wife, our children, our students, our friends, or Louie, the intention must always be the same, that "God be there", not us, that "God be Present", not us, and then God within us, will "Make it so", then God within us, will become "Present" within us, not us.  It is just this simple.  Amen.

Bawa.  That is, not us, living on the "outside" of us, as if we are "separate from" God within us, which is our current state, our current state of ignorance, and of arrogance about our ignorance, and in the end, if we truly join in partnership with God within us,
to allow
God is finished telling "His Story" within us, then "We will be within it", that
is, "His Story" within us will have become "Our Story" within Him within us, as True Man within God within us.  Amen.

Bawa.  And in this way, and only in this way, God's intention for telling "His Story"
within us, will have become Complete within us, that is, that
"No Child Will Be Left Behnd"within us , that in the end, there is nothing still "separate from" God within us, for then "Only God" will exists within us, and "Only True Man" will exist within God within us, and They will be One, as the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us.  Amen

Bawa.  And to help us learn to do this, with each breath, with each look, with each smell, with each taste, before we "Say or do" anything on the "outside" of us, God has given us the "Gift of God" for our age, God has given us the "Life and Teaching of God" for our age, God has given us the "Word of God" for our age, for the Children of God for our age, and in this way, God has given us the "Name of God" for our age, which for our age is "Bawa" or "Bawa Muhaiyaddeen" or "Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen" (may God be pleased with Him), which in truth is the Name of His Chiildren (may God be pleased with each of Us).  Amen.

Bawa.  So before we "Say or do" anything on the "outside" of us, say the word "Bawa" or "Bawa Muhaiyaddeen" or "Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen" (may God be pleased with Him), with the intention that "God be there", not "us" living on the "outside" of us, as if we are "separate from" God within us, in this way establishing the "Presence of God" within us.

Bawa.  Realizing that if we do this, in partnership with God within us, and stop all of our "working for wages to get into heaven", then everything is always perfect, no matter what, no matter what we may think we are experiencing on the "outside" of us, because then "our work" is done, no matter what we are seeing, or feeling, or thinking, or believing, or expecting, for once God is Present "our work" is done, at least for that breath, until the next breath, when we must then make God Present again, if we like, for the Choice to do this or not, with our life, with each breath, is our Choice, not God's.

Bawa.  And if we can do this with each breath, then we will have no time to "see how Bawa comes and does what must be done", because what needed to be done, which is the "Presence of God' within us, has already been done, and the "outside" of us, like the moon when the sun rises, will gradually become for us, but a shadow of itself, and we will be lost in the wonder, the glory, the joy, and the bliss of God within us, and of what God is doing within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us, which is revealing God to God within us.  Amen.

                                                                      - go to "Brief Outline"
                                                                      - go to "Longer Outline"
D-7.  Everyone Is Arguing With God - And in truth no one is ever arguing with us, because in truth they want God to be different from what He really is, which is "Oneness", and even worse, they want themselves, and all of us, to be different from what in truth we really are, which is also "Oneness", and in this way, what we experience as God's dream, as the Witness of God dreaming within us, are all of the
unrealistic expectations
of all of the Creations of God within us, that support their continued "separation from" God within us, that support "Their argument with God",
rather then
focusing on their falling again back into "His Oneness" from which we have all come, but this time with an understandiing of "Our Oneness" so it will never leave us again, and so, we must become patient with all of these very unrealistic expectations that literally make up our life, both as our life on the illusory "outside" of us, and as our relationships with our brothers and sisters, and we must join with God within us, in order to find peace about them, first using this truth about them, and then, in our asking God to "Help Us All", not just "us", not getting caught up in them, because in truth "Everything is always perfect", then in our being "Done with Them", with each of these unrealistic expectations, each time they occur in our life, and finally, in our lovingly saying to God within us, each time we are forced to deal with them, each time God places them infront of us,

          "Thank You O God, But No Thank You. What's Next, O God".  Amen

Bawa.  My dearest loving brother Muhammad Muhaiyaddeen Sulaiman, with "us" doing all of this within us, in partnership with God within us, with the realization, without the slightest doubt, that for "us" to do this, as much as we can, is enough, as often as we can, is enough, whenever we can, is enough, and to become patience with ourselves, and with those around us, more and more, as we "step out in this direction" in our life, including with our family, and with our friends, and with our students, realizing that all of "their expectations" are really expectations for God within us, not for us on the "outside" of us.

Bawa.  In this way, realizing that the "meeting of all their expectations" in truth is God's responsibility not ours, and realizing that in truth, since in truth  "we do have God" within us, all we ever have to do, when "these expectations" rise up before us, is to "step back" so God can "step forward" from within us, and from within them, and successfully deal with "all expectations" perfectly.

Bawa.  And realizing with each breath, with each look, with each thought, and with each intention, that this, and only this, is a very, very realistic way to live our life in the world, and to live this way, more and more, as much as we can, as often as we can, and in this way, perfectly meeting all expectations, of everyone, whether they know it or not.

Bawa.  And realizing that all of these expectations, that came before us, are really only God's lesson for our day, are all only God's gift for our day, are all perfectly designed by God within us, for God within us to see, before we die to the flesh,  to see what we truly want for eternity.

Bawa.  That is, for God within us to see what we will do with them, with each of these expectation, that is, to see if we will "step forward" like a fool to try and meet these expectations, of both us and of those around us, or "step back" like a child of God, and "let God do it", in partnership with God within us, or not.

                                                                      - go to "Brief Outline"
                                                                      - go to "Longer Outline"
D-8.  "Changing Places" With God Within Us - For if we truly want to reach God, we must convince Him to "Change Places" within us, we must convince Him that we are "truly done" with what He has given us, so He can then "use it" to finish what He has started within us, a very, very long time ago, which is to use what is "within" God within us, which in truth is "who we already are" within us, if we like, not what we are currently experiencing in our ignorance, and in our arrogance about our ignorance, on the "outside" of us, in order to reveal God to God within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us, or at least to truly start to do this within us, in partnership with God within us, before we die to the flesh in our current state,
and get
an eternal hell within us, which is an eternal life as "separate from" God within us, as our lot

Bawa.  Realizing with our wisdom, my dearest loving brother Muhammad Muhaiyaddeen Sulaiman, that only then, if we "step back" like a child of God, letting God within us "step forward", that only then, will all responses coming from us, all comings and goings on the "outside" of us, be Ok, both for us and for everyone else.

Bawa.  And in this way, at all times, "hiding behind" God within us, like a little child hiding behind his mother in times of doubt and fear, seeking only God's protection, from within God within us, from our arrogance, karma, illusion, mind, and desire, letting Him be "Presence' before them, letting Him meet their expectations, in all cases.

Bawa.  And in this way, learning to escape from them, from the illusory "outside" of us, within is really a world of darkness and evil within us, by becoming smaller, and smaller, by engaging the world less and less, by learning to "forget ourselves" on the "outside" of us as we "remember Him" within us, by learning to "let Him speak" on the "outside" of us as we become silent within us, by letting "Him be Present" within us as we become "Omnipresent" within us, as we learn to disappear within Him within us, as He appears within us.

Bawa.  And in this way, by "Changing Places with God" within us, by making Him move and speak on the "outside" of us, as we become motionless and silent within us, making Him "Present" within us, as we become "Omnipresent" or "all present" within us, that is, as we become present within all lives within us, making us "Omniscient" or "all knowing" within us, that is, understanding all lives within us, and the Essence of all lives within us, and the Power of God within all lives within us, as God understands what He started within us, and what He must now finish within us, which is to reveal God to God within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us.  Amen.

                                                                      - go to "Brief Outline"
                                                                      - go to "Longer Outline"
D-9.  We Currently "Only Want" The World - not wisdom, and not God, for in truth the world only wants the world, not wisdom or God, and only wisdom wants wisdom, and only God wants God, and we have "All Three", and "All Three" truly define "who we are", and "where we are", and "what is happening" to us, not just the world that we have opened in our ignorance, and in our arrogance about our ignorance, but we have yet to open the world of "Wisdom within Wisdom" within us, and of "God within God" wihtin us, and until then, all we really want is the world, the world within the world, which is the world that we have currently opened within us, and in our ignorance, and in our arrogance about our ignorance, only see as existing on the "outside" of us, but which in truth is within us, as the real but false lives of darkness and evil that have grown within us, like weeds in "God's Beautiful Flower Garden", and which now rule over us as the "9 openings", with "God's Permission"

Bawa.  We currently really don't want God or the wisdom of God, and this is the truth of us, not what some of us currently believe in our ignorance, and in our arrogance about our ignorance, that "We want and love God", all of which is just simply not true, and this is Ok, because what currently lives within us, that "Wants the world" is not all that lives within us, also within us, is another "Part of Us" that wants the wisdom of God, and within that, that wants God, but it is not the part that we have now become "One with", which is the part within us that "just wants the world". 

Bawa.  This is the first great transformation of our life.  First, that "what we are currently experiencing" is not "all that we are", that in truth it is "who we are", but that it does not encompass "all that we are".

Bawa.  For as our dearest loving Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within us, and God within Him, teach us for our age, and now on the "outside' of us, His Children (may God be pleased with each of Us) are teaching us right now, in this E-mail Version of this Spiritual Chat, the following:

          "It is true that to be born into the world is great.

          1) The Motionless All Pervading One is the Omniscient Silent One
          2) The world is a hypnotic fascination.
          3)  The mind is agitation, disorganization, and bewilderment.
          4) The words of a Gnana Guru is a driving force".

[Note:  This quotation is from "Chapter 2", or "Search For God", in the beautiful book of wisdom, "The Pearl of Wisdom", by our dear Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within us, and by God within Him.  To access an on-line copy of "Chapter 2" (www.SpiritualBook002Chap02. please click above or HERE, and to access an on-line copy of the "Table of Contents" of this book (, please click above or HERE.  Thank you.  Enjoy.  Al-hamdu lillah.  Allahu Akbar.  Amen]

Bawa.  And in this way, in truth "we are all 4", which as His Holiness explains in "Chapter 3" of the same book, "The Pearl of Wisdom", which has the title, "The Search for a Guru", become the 16 Gurus as we grow up, become fully developed when we reach the age of 36 years, when we become the "4 False Gurus" as described by His Holiness in "Chapter 4" of the same book, with the same title, that is, "The 4 False Gurus", all of which is Ok, if we only have the wisdom to realize it, and then properly use it.

Bawa.  For only when we have become the "4 False Gurus" around the age of 36 years, do we truly become of "Great Value" to the Guru, like only when the apple seed buried within the earth germinates and reveals the apple tree, with the apple tree coming to maturity, and bearing fruit, and the fruit comes to maturity, is the apple seed of any real value to the farmer.  So too it is with the true Guru, who in truth is God within us, who in truth has planted a "Seed of God" within us, and has worked for the first 36 years of our life, as our "Foster Mother" who in truth has raised us, to transform that "Seed of God" into what can now be transformed into the "Tree of God" and the ripe "Fruits of God", if we will only let Him.

Bawa.  And when we are around 36 years old, and have become the "4 False Gurus", only then are truly valuable to God within us, who if we like, if we truly join in partnership with God within us, He will transform the "4 False Gurus" within us, into the "1 True Guru" within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us, as the "Light of God" to the World.  Amen.

Bawa.  And in this way, my dearest loving brothers Muhammad Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), you say,

          "So whatever comes, this child says, "Bawa" and then waits to see how Bawa
          comes and does what must be done. With the absolute assurance that Bawa will
          do what needs to be done and that one day this child will be able to say with
          complete clarity and conviction that,

          "There is nothing in this creation of God that I need. All that is needed is God.
          He and He alone is sufficient. There is nothing for me to do."

Bawa.  Which is a "nice thought", but perhaps is setting us up for a "big fall", when in truth that which had this thought can never realize this expectation, because it is an unrealistic expectation, as we discussed earlier. 

Bawa.  Perhaps a much safer and more realistic way of saying this is in the context of the truth of each of us, that we have all thee parts, and it is only these three part of us that make up the whole, not any one part, that is, that can be viewed as "Three Worlds"  within us, that is, the world of the "World within the World", and the world of "Wisdom within Wisdom", and the world of "God within God.

Bawa.  And in this way, we have,

          1) God Within Us - which is the "Power of God" within us, or the "Alif" within us,
                    which is located on the "bridge of the nose" within the 28 letters of the
                    "Mystical Body" of man within us

Bawa.  Who is the God part of us, within us, that is, who as the "The Motionless All Pervading One is the Omniscient Silent One" within us, is the God part of us, who if we like, can cause the soul within us to again become "One with" God within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us, but this time with an understanding of "Our Oneness" so it will never leave us again.  Who as the God part of us, is the "True Power" behinds the scenes within us.  Who as the God part of us, is the one true agenda within us, is the one true intention within us, that in this telling of the Story of God within us, the Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us, that in the end there be, "No Child Left Behind", that is, in the end, that there be nothing within us that is "Still" acting as if it is "separate from" God within us.

          2)  The Wisdom of God Within Us - which is the "Essence of God" within us,
                    or the "Lam" within us, which is located within the "mouth and throat"
                    within the 28 letters of the "Mystical Body" of man within us

Bawa.  Who is the wisdom part of us, within us, that is, who as the "The words of a Gnana Guru is a driving force" within us, is the wisdom part of us, who if we like, can teach, analyze, and control everything within us, and enlighten from within us, and as such, if we like, can move our life forward within us, allowing us to "Change places with God" within us, if we like, if we learn how to properly call our wisdom within us, how to properly make it stand up within us, for our age, so our mind and desire will sit down within us, so God can be "Made Present" within us, that is, so "we are not there", living on the "outside" of us, as if we are "separate from" God within us, and God is there within us, in this way, God can be made to move and to speak from within us.

          3) And The World Within Us - which is the "Everything of God" within us, or
                    the "Mim" within us, which is located within the "brain" within the 28 letters
                    of the "Mystical Body" of man within us

Bawa.  Who is the world part of us, that is, as the "The world is a hypnotic fascination" within us, and as "The mind is agitation, disorganization, and bewilderment" within us, is the world part of us, who if we stay in our current state, in our current state of ignorance, and of arrogance about our ignorance, in our current state of living on the "outside" of us, as if we are "separate from" God within us, as if we are "separate from" each other, and as if we are "separate from" the Creation of God within us, will continue to rule over us, as the 9 openings of our body, with "God's Permission", will continue to lead us to hell within us, to an eternal life as "separate from" God within us, will continue to lead us to the Angel of Death (peace be upon Him), to the "suffering of the grave", and to Qiyamah (the Standing Forth; the Day of Judgment", which will become our lot, when we die to the flesh in our current state, with us then taking on 105 million rebirths as part of our judgment, with us ending as a worm in hell with only one level of consciousness, or feeling.
Bawa.  Then if we approach our current state in this way, as living in ignorance of two parts of us, of our wisdom within us, and of God within our wisdom within us, then we will start to approach the liberation of our soul by our wisdom, and the joining of our soul and our wisdom with God within us, as a much more realistic endeavor within us.

Bawa.  But still an endeavor that we can only accomplish by using "God within us", and not what God has discarded within us, which is the current world that has been opened within us, that is, the "World within the World" within us, which is our current state, which is everything of what God discarded in order to become God within us, which is now "Everything" living within us, which we only see in our ignorance, and in our arrogance about our ignorance, as existing on the "outside" of us, but which in truth is within us, as the lives of darkness and evil that we have allowing to grow within us, again in our ignorance, and in our arrogance about our ignorance, like weeds that have grown within "God's Beautiful Flower Garden", and which now rule over us as the 9 elemental openings of our illusory body, with "God's Permission" within us, until we "See God and Steady God" within us, so God can then "Cure Himself of us", of "us" living on the "outside" of us, as if we are "separate from" God within us, all of which is not true, by closing down the world of hell, of jinns, and of fairies within us, re-opening the world of souls within us, and then opening the kingdom of God within us.  Amen.

Bawa.  All of which can be accomplished within us by using what is "within God" within us, which includes our grace, wisdom, and 'ilm or divine knowledge of God, and the 124,000 Heavenly Beings, Prophets, and Lights of God within us, and by using "what God is doing" within us, with what is "within God" within us, which is revealing God to God within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us.

Bawa.  And in this way, to more realistically think about our current state, and the true potential of our life, that is, that in truth,

          1)  I Currently Need "Everything" In The World

Bawa.  And that is Ok, because that is the nature of the world part of me, that is the nature of the part of me that is "The world is hypnotic fascination", and that is the nature of the part of me that is "The mind is agitation, disorganization, and bewilderment", which is the part of me that will only sit down within me when my wisdom stands up within me, and "Lets God be Present", and "Lets God Speak" from within me.  Amen.

          2) My Wisdom Needs "The Wisdom" Of God

Bawa.  And that is Great, because that is the nature of God's part of me, the wisdom part of me, the part of me that must first open the 'World within the World" within me, that is the earth world of the dunya within the illusory world on the "outside" of me, which is the "First" of God's Schools within us, which is the "School of Contrast" within me, the school of the wealth of the first two world within me, which is the wealth of "heaven and hell", and the wealth of "good and evil" within me.

Bawa.  And that is the part of me that is "The words of a Gnana Guru is a driving force", which awakens to the "Word of God" for our age, for the Children of God for our age, and does battle with the 'Enemy of the soul', which is our current life and our current state within us.

Bawa.  Which is our current state and life of living on the "outside" of us, as if we are "separate from" God within us, as if we are "separate from" each other, and as if we are "separate from" the Creation of God within us, all of which is not true, the part which, if we will let it, if we will join with it, will pull out the 5 nails of "our desire" that are keeping our soul, which is Jesus (peace be upon Him) within us, crucified on the cross of our body, on the cross of the illusory body that now falsely defines me, as the illusory "outside" of me, causing me to "Not know to seek myself within myself, although God exists within man."

          3) My Soul Needs The Purity Of God

Bawa.  And that is Great too, because that too is the nature of the God part of me.
(We can discuss this more later, if we like)

          4) And God, And Only God, Needs God

Bawa.  And that is Great too, because that too is the nature of the God part of me.
(We can discuss this more later also, if we like)

Bawa.  For in truth my dearest loving brother Muhammad Muhaiyaddeen Sulaiman, all four are "Who We Are", not just the one that we have opened, which is the world of "World within World" within us, not just the first 1000 universes of the 18,000 universes, not just the world of hell, of jinns, and of fairies. 

Bawa.  For in truth, we are also the "World of souls" which is the world of "Wisdom within Wisdom" within us, and we are the "Kingdom of God", which is the world of "God within God", if we like, for the Choice is ours, not God's.

Bawa.  And in truth, if we will let God have back what He has given us, "We are All One", as the Dhat, the Sir, and the Safat, as the "Power within the Essence of Everything", as God, the Soul, the Wisdom, and Me, and that is Ok, gradually moving in partnership with God within us from the "Everything" within us, which is our current world, experience, and state, to the "Essence of Everything", which is the "understanding of everything", and within that, to the "understanding of the No-thing", all of which is wisdom within me, in this way, closing down the first world within me, which is the world of "World within World" within me, and opening the second world within me, which is the world of "Wisdom within Wisdom",  and within that, opening the No-thing, which is God within me, which is the third and final world within me, the world of "God within God" within me, and letting all of this transformation happen within me, in God's way, not ours, in God's time, not ours.  Amen.
Bawa.  And in this way, my dearest loving brother Muhammad Muhaiyaddeen Sulaiman, the statement that, "He and He alone is sufficient", is only for God within us, and is only appropriate when this third and last world within us has opened, which is the world of "God within God".  Ok?

Bawa.  But there is always "plenty for us" to do, in our current state, in the world that we have currently opened within us, which is the "World within the World" within us, which in truth are the 18,000 universes within us, and the 1000 of them that we have already opened within us, which we are now experiencing in our ignorance, and in our arrogance about our ignorance, as a life of "separation and differences" on the "outside" of us, living as if we are "separate from" God within us, as if we are "separate from" each other, and as if we are "separate from" the Creation of God within us, all of which is not true.  Amen.

Bawa.  And in this way, our work is to know "His work", that is to know "God's work" within us, and "His work" is all work within us, and in this way, to join in partnership with God within us, to open the next world within us, and in this way, to close down the current world within us, that is, to open the world of  "Wisdom within Wisdom" within us, and to close down the world of "World within World" within us, that is, to close down the world of hell, of jinns, and of fairies within us, and to re-open the world of souls within us, in order to let "God be Present" within us, in order to let God Speak from within us, as the "Word of God" for our age, for the Children of God for our age, that is, as,

          1) The "Remedy of the Master Guru" within us, for in truth,
                    There is magic in His Glorious Words."
          2) The "Grace of the Sacred Universal Traveler, which contains
                    Good Remedy for further ."
          3) "That Matter wandering with No Haste,
                    the mind Seeking to Know the One".  Amen.

Bawa.  And in this way, our work is to be putting God, and our wisdom, and our soul to work within us all day long, initially as the Triple Flame of God within us, that is,

Bawa.  And doing this, as our work, as our only work, both within us and on the "outside" of us, as the only work that will work within us, as in truth "God Curing Himself of us" within us, of "us" having mistakenly opened the world of "World within World" within us, of mistaking having opened the world of hell, of jinns, and of fairies within us, that is, having mistakenly opened the world of hell or of  water livers within us, which in truth is everything currently below our waist, which is the world of "false creation" within us, the world of earth joined with water within us, the false world of "spit and duality" within us, of "sperm and ovum" within us.

Bawa.  Having mistakenly opened the world of jinns or fire lives within us, which is our stomach, which is "false destruction" within us, the world of earth joined with fire within us, giving us the illusion of nourishment within us, while in truth only the grace of God, which is referred to as "His Risq, in the Islamic tradition, nourishes us, or any of the Creation of God within us, which is what God told Solomon (peace be upon Him) when He tried to feed the Creation of God, for just one meal, and failed.

Bawa.  And having mistakenly opened the world of fairies or air lives within us, which is our chest, which is "false life" within us, the life of the "impure spirits" within us, who can take on any form that they like, and come and go as they like, appearing when they are facing us, and disappearing when they turn sideways, which in truth is the cause of all of the things we now call "alien sightings" or UFOs, or Crop Circles, etc.

Bawa.  And now that we have opened them, opened these 1000 of the 18,000 universes within us, opened these three worlds within us, within our current world, in this world of "World within World", they rule over us, as our "karma", as our "fate", as our "destiny", as a "show of scenes" on the "outside" of us.

Bawa.  And,

          "People say that after a man is born, his life is controlled by fate, but Son,
          it is not so.  For in truth, life is the victory of wisdom reasoning over fate."

[Note:  This Quotation is from "Chapter 31", "The Mystical Meaning of Man's Body", in the beautiful book of wisdom, "The Pearl of Wisdom", by our dearest loving Father,
Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen
(may God be pleased with Him) within us, and by God within Him, and now on the "outside" of us, by His Children
(may God be please with each of Us), if we like.  To access an on-line copy of "
Chapter 31" ( please click above or
, and to read an on-line copy of the "Table of Contents", as well as, some of the Chapters, in the book, "The Pearl of Wisdom" www.ThePearlOfWisdom.homestead.
com), please click above or HERE.  Thank you.  Enjoy.  Al-hamdu lillah. Allahu Akbar.  Amen]

                                                                      - go to "Brief Outline"
                                                                      - go to "Longer Outline"
D-10.  The Point of Our Life - is to use "God to get to God" within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us.  Amen.

Bawa.  And this is the "Point of our life", my dearest loving brother Muhammad Muhaiyaddeen Sulaiman, to use "God" within us, which is true, to "get to God" within us, that is, to go to an eternal life as "One with" God within us, or at least to truly start to do this, so God can then do "Everything Else", before we die to the flesh in our current state, not to use "us" living on the "outside" of us, as if we are "separate from" God within us, which is false, that is, literally to "go to hell" within us, after we die to the flesh in our current state, no matter what name we may choose to call it, in our ignorance, and in our arrogance about our ignorance, that is, to go to an eternal life as "separate from" God within us.

Bawa.  Which in truth is but using the other two parts of us, to transcend the current part of us, that is, to use the other two worlds within us, that is, the world of "Wisdom within Wisdom" within us, and the world of "God within God" within that, to close down the world of "World within World" that we have mistakenly opened, in our ignorance, and in our arrogance about our ignorance, and to do this, at least to start to do this, in partnership with God within us, before we die to the flesh in our current state.

Bawa.  For "If we don't do this", or at least truly start to do this, in partnership with God within us, before we die to the flesh in our current state, then our mistake will "follow us" into eternity, and will first become the "suffering of the grave" within us, with "us" roaming the earth world within us as the 5 elemental spirits or ruhanies within us,
Qiyamah, and will then become Qiyamah (the Standing Forth; the Day of Judgment) within us, with "us" taking on 105 million rebirths within us as part of "our" judgment, with "us" becoming a worm in hell with only one level of consciousness within us, or feeling, as part of our judgment, with "us" taking on an eternal life as "separate from" God within us, as part of our judgment, all within the "Justice of God" within us, for in truth,

          "Whatever we intend is what we will receive."

Bawa.  But "If we do this", or at least truly start to do this, in partnership with God within us, before we die to the flesh in our current state, then our mistake "stops", that is, "stops" here, before we die the flesh in our current state, and then God within us will do "Everything Else" in order to make our life truly successful in our lifetime.  For this is "God's Promise" for our age.  This is "God's Guarantee" for our age.   May we all know this now, without the slightest doubt, and start to act accordingly, start to act
as if
we are "One with" God within us, and since this is the "truth of us", and the "truth of God" within us, then God will "Make it so" within us.  Amen.

Bawa.  So start to "Task God" within us, by starting to "Task" all of the "Things" within God within us, which includes the wisdom of God within us, and the truth of God within the wisdom of God within us, and They will do "Everything Else", and start to do this
with each breath, with each look, with each smile, with each intention, as much as we can, and as often as we can, placing our faith and trust in God within us, and only in God within us, as much as we can, as often as we can.  This is the key.

Bawa.  Realizing without the slightest doubt, because if we have doubt then
"We are out", and then They will gladly help us, gladly usher us ashore,  that is, if our intention is "Praisewhorthy", in this way, allowing Them as "One" within us, and allowing "us" as "One" within Them within us,  to finish what God has started within us, a very, very long time ago, which is to reveal God to God within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us, and when They do, "We will be within it", "We" will be within Them, as the Witness, as God's Witness of God within us.  Amen.

                                                                      - go to "Brief Outline"
                                                                      - go to "Longer Outline"
E.  Closing Comments - may we both join with Bawa within us, and with God within Him, to share this sharing with all of our dearest loving brothers and sisters, as much as we can, as ofter as we can.  Amen


Bawa.  Please give my love and salams to our dear sister/wife Angela, to our dear sister/daughter Jamela, and to our dear brother/son Kareem, and to all of our dearest loving brothers and sisters of the Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Fellowship.

Bawa.  Please tell them that Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler) loves them very, very much, and that they are always in our prayers.

Bawa.  And like always, please try to join with Bawa within us, and with God within Him, to share this sharing with them, as this "Heart's Work" is the true liberator or our soul, for in truth it is how the grace flows within us, and clarity develops, if we like, for only when we share from our own melting heart will anything of God's wealth truly become ours, for it is the "melting heart" that gets God, nothing less than this, everything else is just drama, the drama of "I and you", of "mine and yours", and the only way to win the drama of our life, is not to play, and the only way "not to play" to get God to be "Present", which will end all of the drama of our life, and allow God to make our life truly successful in our lifetime.  Amen.

Bawa.  May we both learn to do this, this "Heart's Work" within us, in partnership with God within us, while there is still time, that is, before we die to the flesh in our current state and an eternal hell as "separate from" God becomes our lot.  Amen.

Bawa.  My love you (anbu) - Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler).

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Spiritual Chat 247
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This page was last updated on: March 20, 2006